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Friday, July 29, 2011

Tummy Time and Jealousy

Jackson was so jealous that Ryan was taking pictures of Parker!
"But Daddy... you always take pictures of me!"

Parker enjoying some Tummy Time with Ryan and Jackson while I was away dropping off books at the Kent State Library.

Today, we took Jackson to the ENT. Not much has changed with his vocal cord paralysis, but he did weight 21.3 pounds! We are switching out his clothes so he's now wearing 18 month clothes! Oh my stars! What a big boy! :)

When we took Parker to the ped on Tuesday, he weighed 5 pounds 11 ounces. That is almost back up to his birth weight. We have to go back next Tuesday for another weight check, so I'll update y'all then!

I'm finishing my classes this week, and then I'll be on break until the end of August! Yea!

Today is Mario's 4th birthday. We are going to have a party for him tonight. I'll post pictures later in the week! :)

With love,

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Very Happy Family

Yesterday, Parker was discharged from the hospital and my family was reunited. It was one of the happiest days of my life. I love being the mom of two beautiful and amazing little boys and the wife to an incredible man. Our first night together at home went very smoothly. Ryan slept most of the night, Jackson slept the whole night, and Parker and I only woke up for feedings and then went right back to sleep. I couldn't have asked for anything better!

Jackson is still very unsure about Parker; in fact, I'm not sure he notices Parker is around until Parker cries. When that happens, Jackson just laughs. Tonight, Parker was really letting out some wails (for all of a minute tops) but Jackson just sat on the bed and stared at him. Earlier, Jackson scratched (very mildly) the top of Parker's head when he reached out to pet him and steal his hat. Parker didn't mind; instead, he just watched Jackson intently. It's amazing to see the two of them together. Jackson isn't quite old enough to really understand what is going on (or at least to interact with Parker), but it is still pretty incredible.

Today was my baby shower. It was a lot of fun and a wonderful experience to just hang out with people who care about us. Jackson got a new truck with lots of toys inside. He had a blast playing with it!

Tomorrow is a busy day: swim class at 9, library story-time at 10:30, hopefully a ped appt for Parker, and lots of cleaning. Ryan is taking the week off of work to spend with us. I'm very excited! :)

With love,

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Desperately Wanting to Reunite My Family

Today, the last week really hit me. I spent almost every moment I could sleeping and then tonight, I had my first good cry. I think what finally made me so emotional was waving to Jackson and Ryan leaving the hospital as Ryan drove them away. I so desperately wanted to be in the car with them and Parker. Part of me feels terribly guilty because our possible one to two week stay here in the NICU is nothing compared to what some families go through (or even what we went through with Jackson), and yet, I want to be out of here ASAP and reunite my family. I desperately want to find some sense of routine and normalcy for the boys. I know we'll have it very soon, but I'm just tired of waiting.
I'm also mourning not being pregnant anymore. It's crazy because I hated being pregnant, but I do miss feeling Parker moving inside of me and that special bond. I am very happy though that he is here and healthy after all of the months of worrying. I'm also excited to be able to go home to Jackson and wrestle and play with him without being limited by my pregnancy. I am looking forward to being a mom to two small children and just having fun with my boys.
Parker is doing especially well today. He has taken three full feedings today by mouth (two by nursing, one by bottle) and is actively waking up ready to eat. That's a very good sign! The doctor this morning said he'd probably be under the phototherapy lights for his jaundice for 3-4 days. He's already looking so much better already. They are doing another blood test thing morning to check the status of his jaundice.

This whole experience has made me fall in love all over again with Ryan. He is the best support person I've ever known. Tonight, I told him that I needed him to get some sleep because I wasn't firing on all cylinders and I needed him to be. Without blinking, he assured me that he'd be there for me and for our family. How did I get so lucky?

So, overall, life is good. I'm just looking forward to it becoming amazing once we're all together again. :)

With lots of love,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Welcome Parker Stephen Schofield!

On Saturday, July 16, 2011 at 1:31 am, Parker Stephen Schofield was born weighing 5 pounds 12.5 ounces and measuring 18.5 inches long. I went into the hospital on Friday night with contractions after passing a small blood clot. The doctors weren't too concerned about those things, but Parker's heart rate started showing some negative variabilities. (It would drop during contractions). Around 1am, Parker's heart rate continued to drop very low over and over again (three times total I think) so the doctors decided it was time to rush me to the OR for a "Crash c-section". (Crash means super emergency, get the baby out as fast as possible). It was a very scary experience, but Parker came out screaming!

After the first signs of abruption at 25 weeks, Parker was born at 34 weeks and 3 days! He is beautiful and wonderful!

He is currently in the Special Care Nursery (NICU) where it is anticipated he will remain for approximately a week to a week and a half. I am currently nursing him every three hours (tonight Ryan is going to let me sleep through one and offer Parker a bottle). He is not on any respiratory support, had his IV removed yesterday, and in my opinion, looks just like me.

Jackson met Parker today for the first time. He looked at me, looked at Parker (who I was holding), looked at me again, and then started to cry. Once Ryan took Parker and I took Jackson, Jackson cuddled into my neck, stopped crying, and "hugged me". Then, he started interacting with Parker by playing with his arm and hand and trying to take Parker's hat off. Parker kept looking at Jackson with eyes wide open and followed Jackson's movements. Overall, it was a beautiful experience.

I am completely in love with my two little men, my wonderful husband, my amazing six cats, and my two cat angels.

With lots of love tonight,