Today, I was released from the hospital! (Thank goodness!!) I begged, pleaded, cried, and demanded my way home. I even used Jackson as a "Look at my can't leave me here away from him! He's too cute!" That's right, I'm not above using my uber-cute baby to gain my freedom! :)
The plan for the rest of the pregnancy is as follows: bed rest (or something close to that) at home, ultrasounds 2x a week, non-stress tests 2x a week, perinatologist visits 2x per week, and OB visits 1x per week. It's a lot, but totally worth it if I get to be home! If I continue to pass clots, have little bits of bleeding, have contractions, etc. then the doctors will give me the choice whether or not to deliver at 34 weeks. If I decide to continue on (which honestly at 34 weeks I will! What's another few weeks?) then they will schedule me for a c-section at 38 weeks. 34 weeks puts us around July 15. 38 weeks puts us around August 10. I'll be 29 week tomorrow!
Tonight, Ryan, Jackson, and I joined Ryan's parents, Jaclyn (his sister), Rob (her fiance), and Logan (Rob's son) for dinner and dessert to celebrate Jaclyn's birthday. We had such a wonderful time! Ryan and I shared boneless wings and they were delicious! We also ordered Jackson his first meal from the kid's menu....a grilled cheese and applesauce. I can't believe my little boy is ready for the kid's menu! What a huge milestone! :)
On another note, I start my summer classes today. I'm taking two online classes and feeling a little overwhelmed. I'll hit the books hard later today!
Well, it's 3:30 am and I hear a little boy upstairs who might need some attention.
With love,