Today, I had my regular Tuesday ultrasound and non-stress test. For those of you that don't know, a non-stress test is when they hook me up to monitors to track the baby's heart rate and to look for contractions. Today's visit when exceptionally well. Parker is currently measuring about 3 pounds 1 ounce, his heart rate looks wonderful, all of his parts look wonderful, I'm not having contractions, and most exciting, they didn't see the abruption on ultrasound! Granted, that doesn't mean that the abruption isn't still there, but it does mean that things are looking better! The doctor is allowing me to come off bed rest and to just "take it easy". They are still going to be monitoring me twice a week (plus weekly OB visits), but I'm happy to be allowed to move around without family giving me the evil eye! :)
Tonight, Ryan, Jackson, myself, and Ryan's parents went to dinner at a Thai/sushi place. It was SOOOO yummy! Jackson had goldfish, rice, carrots, and even a little ginger! I can't believe how well he eats! It's fun to watch him try new foods.
My grad school classes are going well. I'm feeling very overwhelmed with them, but I'm slowly making my way through the hours and hours of work.
This past Sunday we celebrated Ryan's sister's birthday. Here is a super cute picture from the big event:

With love,
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