Parker is ready to eat so this will have to be quick:
Today we spent most of the day either at church or cleaning the house. We rearranged part of our living room and it looks awesome!
We finally found a sippy cup that works for Jackson... one with a straw! My mom suggested giving Jackson a little water at dinner last night from my glass with a straw and he did it so we went straw sippy cup shopping today. We bought Jackson one and he successfully used it throughout the afternoon and at dinner! There is hope for us yet! Operation sippy cup is back in business! Jackson also went to sleep tonight with NO CRYING!! :)
Parker is running a bit of a temp so we're watching it. He isn't acting sick though so I'm hopeful it's a fluke.
Here is a super cute picture of Jackson and his teeth; he has two already through the gum and a third one coming any day:
With love,
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