I'm so disappointed with myself that I haven't updated the blog in the last few weeks. Things have been insanely busy and crazy. Here is the quick update:
Parker has been terribly ill. He was hospitalized at one point (while Ryan was out of town in Alabama of course) and has been back and forth to the pediatrician so many times I've lost count. The short story is that he is allergic to milk protein, peanuts, and possibly soy and eggs. So, I have had to cut all of that out of my diet so that it doesn't get to him through the breastmilk. We've also started him on a reflux medicine which seems to help. It was so scary though because he had terrible explosive diapers and had blood in his stool and was vomiting blood. I'm so thankful he is finally doing better. This is a picture of Ryan feeding him a bottle in the hospital once Ryan finally made it home to join us:
Jackson has been doing very well. He's walking now!! He walks all over the place and is actively getting into everything. He has become so independent! We went and toured a school for him earlier this week. Hopefully he will begin next week! Here he is being mischievous (as always!)
About two weeks ago, I "painted the rock" on campus with the Kent's student chapter of the American Library Association for Banned Books Week. The rock says, "We Read Banned Books." I felt like such a delinquent...it was amazing!
We're all in Pennsylvania right now with Dad Scho visiting Mommaw, so hopefully I'll have some great pictures for you tomorrow!
Sorry again for being a slacker. I'll do better!
With love,
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