At his four month appointment, Parker weighed almost 16 pounds! He had an endoscopy in November to check his upper GI tract to see if that is why he was spitting up some blood, but luckily, it came back normal! After another night in the hospital and going under anaesthesia for the procedure, they determined he is having small nose bleeds and then spitting up the blood. :( Despite those complications, he is now doing wonderful! I heard him say "ma ma" the other day (yay!) and he is always full of giggles and coos. He can also lift his head during tummy time and can sit assisted! :)
At his 18-month appointment, Jackson weighed approximately 23.5 pounds and measured 31 inches tall! We had his holiday party at his preschool last Friday, and he had a blast singing songs, decorating cookies, and playing bag toss! His best buddy, Theo, just started going to his school too! He's also finishing up this session's swim class at the YMCA, and he is turning into a little fish!
My wonderful husband is super busy with work! He passed his function point specialist certification exam back in October (a prestigious national exam that has something to do with his work) and has been spending lots of time doing amazing things! He has also been recognized a few times by his company for being super-hero awesome although I know he wouldn't brag about it to anyone. (I really hope Ryan doesn't read this because he would either a) be embarrassed or b) not like the way I'm describing his awesomeness. Honestly, it's late, I'm tired, and I don't feel like explaining all of his awards and certifications in laymans terms. Just imagine Po from Kung Fu Panda saying "sheer awesomeness" and know that he's talking about Ryan.
I finished this semester with a 4.0! Woot woot! I also started working as a substitute Public Services Assistant with the Akron-Summit County Public Library. I changed my grad school specialization from Academic Reference to Childrens / Teen Librarianship. I had a killer migraine for three days that resulted in the temporary loss of vision in my right eye (trip to the ER, Head CT, MRI, lots of quality time with Ryan's Dad who I am thankful was able to sit with me through all of it and keep me sane). Oh, and I registered for three classes and two workshops next semester! Yikes! I know I'm crazy!
So, yeah, I guess that's life. Oh, add in a super busy schedule, joining my church's relay for life team, holidays, parties, going to a drive-through zoo, Ryan's 27th birthday, our 4 year wedding anniversary trip to Niagara Falls, Canada!, Jackson's first hair cut, Parker starting solids, trick or treating at 4 different places, etc. etc. etc. and you can imagine our life the last few months!
Here's a quick pic to leave you with!
With love,
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