Hi everyone! I am stealing this idea from a couple of other blogs I've recently read. Here are developmental updates on my little men!
Happy 6 month Birthday, Parker!
These are the developmental milestones listed in "What to Expect The First Year"
Should be Able to...
1. keep head level with body when pulled to sitting... YUP!
2. say "ah-goo" or similar vowel-consonant combinations...YUP!
Will probably be able to...
1. bear some weight on legs when held upright...YUP!
2. Sit without support... YUP! (for short periods of time before he tumbles over)
3. Turn in the direction of a voice... YUP!
4. razz (make a wet razzing sound)...YUP!
May possibly be able to...
1. stand holding on to someone or something... Yup!
2. object if you try to take a toy away...I'm pretty sure yup. We just started seeing this towards the end of the 5th month/beginning of 6th.
3. Work to get a toy that's out of reach...YUP! We've seen it a few times.
4. pass a cube or other object from one hand to another... I think so. Maybe, but I haven't particularly noted it.
5. Look for dropped object...not that I've noticed.
6. Rake with fingers a tiny object and pick it up in fist... I haven't tried anything small yet. I'll try it with supervision and see!
7. Babble, combining vowels and consonants such as ga-ga-ga, ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma, da-da-da... YUP! I haven't heard it every day by any means, but I have heard the ga and ba sounds more than a few times.
8. Feed self cracker or other finger food...Well, we discovered yup to this one by accident. Jackson gave his little brother a cracker and Parker ate part of it. Needless to say, it is not something I would have given him normally. :)
May even be able to...
1. creep or crawl...YUP! We have seen a little creeping. It is more like a uncoordinated crawl, but he has moved a few inches before towards toys!
2. Pull up to standing from sitting...Nope.
3. Get into a sitting position from stomach...Nope.
4. Pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger...Nope.
5. say "mama" or "dad" indiscriminately...Nope.
Food wise he's eating solids 2 to 3 times a day. I usually mix his fruits and veggies with some type of cereal...he seems to like them better that way. Feedings are usually hit or miss. We're still working on a good eating schedule. Other than that, he's still primarily breastfed. Thankfully, the number of times he is nursing is finally beginning to decrease!He currently weights 18.5 pounds!
We are beginning sleep training this month. We've had two good nights so far, and a few really bad ones. The really bad ones were when he was sick with a sore throat and ear infection, so I'll cut him some slack!
Jackson's update will hopefully be posted tomorrow! I can't believe my baby Jackson is already 20 months old!!
With love,
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