Parker turned 7 months old on the 16th. This month marked a real turning point for Parker as we seemed to finally make progress with his food allergies. After seeing an allergist and doing more food elimination trials on our own, we determined he's allergic to dairy and egg (already known) and shellfish and tomatoes (the hereto unknown culprits). Since cutting all that out, he's like a totally new baby. He now weighs about 19 pounds and still has no teeth. He currently eats solids and nurses about 4-5 times a day each. We also did sleep training with him this month. We used a method prescribed by our pediatrician, which isn't quite the traditional cry-it-out like we did with Jackson, but is akin to it. We had to a) teach him to fall asleep not in our arms, b) fall asleep not while nursing and c) soothe himself back to sleep during the night. The first couple of nights took about 75 minutes of him crying and us coming in to soothe him every 5 minutes, after those hard couple of days we are getting the benefit. He now goes to sleep by 8:30 (as does Jackson) after no more than 30 minutes of crying--but usually it's much less than that.
Here is our 'What to Expect...' developmental update:
By 7 months you're baby should be able to...
1. Feed self a cracker...haven't let him yet
2. Razz...YES!
3. Coo or babble when happy...Check!
4. Smile often when interacting with you...Check
Will probably be able to...
1. Sit without support...Check
2. Bear some weight on legs when held upright...Check
3. Object if you try to take a toy away...Check
4. Work to get a toy that is out of reach...Check
5. Look for dropped object...Check
6. Rake with fingers an object and pick it up with fist...Check
7. Turn in direction of voice...Check
8. Babble...kind of
9. Play peek-a-boo...Check
May possibly be able to...
1. Creep or crawl...Creep only
2. Pass a cube from one hand to the other...Check
3. Stand holding on to someone or something...Not yet
May even be able to...
1. Pull up to standing position from sitting...No
2. Get into sitting position from stomach...No
3. Play patty-cake or wave bye-bye...No
4. Use pinser grasp...No
5. Cruise along furniture...No
6. Say mama or dada indiscriminately...No
It's amazing how many big changes have happened over the last month. It really does feel like we have a completely new baby--one that is always happy, loves giving and getting affection, and loves being a younger brother. We can't wait to see what the next month brings, especially now that we'll be well-rested for it!
With love,
Anna and Ryan
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