Preemie Ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Daddy Time

Today, I had a meeting on campus at 2pm so I left both boys with Ryan for two hours while I went to Kent. This is the mayhem that occurred while I was away:

Luckily, I returned home to find the boys all in one piece, my house only slightly destroyed, and a very happy group of men. :)

Ryan leaves for Alabama on Monday (he'll be gone until Friday) so our next few days will be crazy busy in preparation for his trip. Mainly, I need to get my school work complete so life won't be as demanding. We'll see how it goes!

With love,

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Baby Jack Ribs

Parker, Jackson, Ryan, and I joined Ryan's parents for dinner tonight at Old Carolina BBQ. It was super yummy!!

With love,

Friday, September 9, 2011

Play Date at the Library

Today, Parker, Jackson and I met our friends Becky and Theo at the library for a play date. Parker sat nicely in his car seat while Jackson and Theo terrorized the library! It was so much fun!

With love,

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My New Computer!

Parker and I chillin' with my new computer! (Which I am now updating the blog with!)

With love,

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Today was my first Zumba class at the YMCA.... it was awesome!!

Jackson also said two new words today: "bou" for balloon and "book". That increases his vocabulary to 7 words! ("dada" "ka" for cat, "baby", "bou" for balloon, "book", "nan na" for Anna (he doesn't call me Mama), and bye bye)

With love,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Big Accomplishments

Parker is working on learning to support his head...

Other accomplishments not caught on film:

1. Parker smiles when we make funny noises at him.
2. Jackson cut his third tooth!

With love,

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Taste of Hudson

All of us hanging out with Mommaw!

Jackson and Grandpa Schofield playing the drums at the Little Tikes playground at the festival.

Parker and I eating our yummy Lebanese food!

With love,

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ten Minutes In Our Life

Ten Minutes in the Life of Jackson:

Bothering Parker

Opening the Dresser and Emptying Ryan's Boxers

Discovered the Outlet and Tried to Remove Outlet Covers

Found the Vacuum Cleaner Cord and Tried to Eat It

Emptied All Toy Boxes in Bedroom

Dumped Out All Socks to be Folded and Laid Down on The Clean Socks

Ten Minutes in Parker's Life:


With love,