Jackson is off respiratory support!!!
In other news, he took a full bottle yesterday for Ryan, so the doctor decided to increase his feeds to two bottles and one breastfeeding per day. When Sharon (his night nurse) gave him a bottle last night, he took 25cc and had one episode during the feeding. This morning, PT/OT came to give him a bottle, but sadly due to operator error (the OT training feed him and it was VERY unsuccessful... she really just didn't know what she was doing) he only took 7 cc and had two episodes during the feed. I got really upset and said that I didn't want her feeding him anymore. I hated to be a jerkface about it, but lets be honest, a) I don't want someone who is struggling to feed my baby and b) I want to take my baby home ASAP so I only want to put our best foot forward. :) Hopefully tonight's feeding will go well. He also slept through our breastfeeding attempt at 5pm. He was just out cold and I couldn't wake him up to save my life.
Other than that, things are going well. I hope to bring him home in the next 3-4 weeks! :)
I got to give him a bath today for the first time. Well really, the nurse bathed him but I helped and watched. Next time I'll be able to do it by myself! :)
In other news, we celebrated Mario's fourth birthday on Friday! He's a big boy now!!

Speaking of big boys, Jackson now sucks on his thumb and is wearing newborn clothes! He's outgrown most of his preemie clothes! Isn't it adorable??
Lastly, I've been working in the nursery and I just put up some wall stickers! Also, look at the great paint job Ryan's dad did and the beautiful border that Ryan and his mom put up!
Current Stats:
Weight: 5 pounds 7 ounces!
Respiratory: NO SUPPORT!! Two heartrate/desat episodes during 11am feeding. Few desats!
Feeds: 2 bottles / 1 breastfeed per day. Increased feeds to 40 cc every 3 hours. Took 25 cc at 11pm feeding (yesterday) and 7 cc at 11am feeding today. Took 0 cc at 5pm breatfeeding.
1. Keep on gaining weight!
2. Work on bottle feeding...take at least half a bottle at every bottle feeding.
3. Wake up for breastfeeding! :)
4. Reduce episodes during feedings.
5. Come home! :)
With love,
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