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Thursday, August 19, 2010

We're Home!!

Hi everyone! I'm so happy to announce that Jackson was discharged from the hospital today, and we are now home! I don't have much time tonight to post pictures and other exciting tidbits from the day, but I just wanted to make sure to share the good news with you! I've been waiting two days to announce it to the world! Tomorrow once we've settled in I'll post all types of fun details!!

Love to all!



  1. Anna,
    I am SO happy for you all. You have been such troopers...and that Jackson is just amazing to think back to how tiny he was, and now to how big he must be! I know it was emotional to finally get to leave our "second home" for the year 2010, and I can imagine you all are savoring being home as a family tonight. Best wishes for a smooth first night at home. Audrey sends her love... :-)
    Amanda Koch (and Audrey and family)

  2. Thanks Amanda! It was a very successful and smooth night! The monitor didn't go off once (thank goodness). Jackson ate all of his feedings, only required one wardrobe change throughout the night, and didn't fuss very much! I couldn't have asked for a better night!
    We should all try to get together sometime soon! I'd love to see little Audrey! It's amazing that after all the stress, bedrest, and worry our babies are finally home!! :)

  3. Congratulations!!!!
    What an exciting time for you and your family! I have really enjoyed watching Jackson grow on your blog.
    Melanie's mom
