Jackson essentially just sleeps, eats, and poops and that's okay. Yesterday while we were making dinner I put him in his bouncer next to the TV and played some Baby Einstein for him. HE LOVED IT! He kept looking at the TV and making little noises. It was the cutest thing ever!
On Friday, we went to Target's Portrait Studio and had professional pictures taken. They are so beautiful! Here are two of my favorites:

The bottom one parallels my first baby, Kitty, who passed away over a year ago and Jackson. Kitty was always there for me during all of the infertility treatments, the losses, and during the time when we were told we'd never have children. She really became my baby. When she passed away, I her favorite blanket in half and buried her in half and kept half for me to sleep with. This picture is Jackson wrapped in my half of the blanket with Kitty's picture. Love it! :)
Speaking of cats, our cats are remarkably not interested in Jackson. Hannah, Jacob, Grace, Miss Brooks, and Mario have all looked at him, but they have decided they could care less about him. I always told people that would be the way it was but no one believed me. :)
I'm going to go wash bed linens and get ready for the day. Ryan's parents are arriving today to visit so I want to make sure my house is at least somewhat presentable. We have big plans for tonight... today is Hannah's 13th birthday so we're having a catnip party later! :)
With love,
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