The past few days have been very restless. Jackson is still on 1/64 of a liter on his oxygen tank. It's amazing... he'll high sat most of the day but occasionally have an episode where he'll space out and drop his sats. He'll come right back up, but until he stops having those space out moments he's staying where he's at. I've talked to the nurses and the doctor about why they have decided to put him on 1/64 of a liter. Don't get me wrong. If Jackson needs the support, I want him to have it. I just don't understand why the decision was made to put him on it. All of the other parents I've talked to describe their babies' weaning progress to look like the following: high flow 2. Low flow 1 1/2. Low flow 1. Try the baby off of respiratory support. If it works, great. If not, low flow 1/2. Try the baby off of respiratory support. There is no oxygen tank. There is no 1/64. When I tell parents Jackson is on 1/64 of a liter they respond with "Why? Why so low?" and I have to respond, "I have no idea!" Granted, he is having those little episodes, but the other babies do too!! We've been told by people that occasional episodes if fine. He'll grow out of it. They won't send him home with him doing it. and yet, we're not weaning off the support because of it. Grr. I'm frustrated. Can you tell?
I'm also frustrated today because Jackson is 36 weeks corrected today. When you have a preemie, the doctors don't look at how many weeks he is actually (1 week, 1 month, etc) they look at his corrected age according to his due date. So for example, if Jackson was still inside me, he'd be 36 weeks today. It's frustrating because other babies I know that got to go home already were off support long before 36 weeks. My due date is in 4 weeks! I'm beginning to feel terribly worried that we will not be able to home by August 28 (my due date). I'm so sick of being in the hospital. I just want to be able to be like everyone else and bring my baby home. I want to be able to introduce Jackson to the cats,watch a movie with him on the sofa, get up at 2am to feed him instead of go to pump and call someone else to see how my little man is doing. I'm getting even more frustrated because the end is in sight (he's no longer on the vent, lol) and yet, we still seem so far away. I want his feeding time reduced (1 1/2 hour feedings to 30 minutes). I want him off respiratory support. I want him to be taking all of his bottles. I want him to start checking things off the "To Do before I go home" list so I can dewire my baby, see what he actually looks like without everything on, and walk out that sliding door of labor and delivery. Peace out Northside. I want to bring my baby home.
Current Stats:
Weight: 5 pounds, 3.8 ounces!
Respiratory: Oxygen Tank, 1/64 liter. Usually high sating. Some desats, generally recovers on his own.
Feeding: full feeds, increased to 37 cc every three hours. Friday: 18 cc bottle. 17 cc breastfeeding. Saturday: 21 cc bottle. (Ryan fed!) 7 cc breastfeeding (I'm not sure the scale was accurate because I felt like he got a lot more. Many nurses have told me that the scales aren't always accurate!)
1. Keep on gaining weight!
2. Get off the respiratory support!
3. Take a little more every day on the bottle.
4. For me: learn to have more patience.
5. Our long term goal: GET MY BABY HOME! ( I know...I know... where's the patience?)
With love,
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
On The Mend
I would describe today as "on the mend" from vaccinations. In the morning, Jackson was still having minor brady-like episodes and desating. He only took half of his bottle before he had one of the minor brady-lites. Throughout the rest of the early afternoon, he kept struggling a bit. The doctor decided to move him from the wall-mounted respiratory support to an oxygen tank that sits next to his bed. This oxygen tank allows the flow to go from 2 liters to 1/64 of a liter. In the morning, Jackson had been on 1/2 liter on the wall. As soon as they moved him to the oxygen tank, he moved down to 1/64 of a liter and has been there ever since! He's been doing great on it, not had any episodes or desats since about four pm, and appears to be back to the pre-vaccination Jackson. :) We breastfeed at 5pm, and he transferred at least 10 cc! (The scale messed up so the nurse had to estimate!)
In other news, my OB called this morning to inform me that some of my blood work from the previous day had come back abnormal. My TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) came back very low. Normal is .45 and mine came back 0.018. This means that I have hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid). He is sending me to see an endocrinologist next week. I'm a little nervous about it (of course) but as long as they figure out what is wrong with me and make me feel better, I'm cool.
My in-laws fly in Friday at 3pm to stay until Monday. I'm super excited to see them and to see their reaction to Jackson! He's changed so much since they last saw him!
Current Stats:
Weight: 5 pounds 1 ounce
Respiratory: Low flow nasal cannula, oxygen tank, 1/64 liter.
Feeds: Full feeds (36 cc every three hours), One bottle, 18 cc. One breastfeeding, 10 cc.
1. Continue to reduce desats and bradys.
2. Keep on gaining weight!
3. Take a full bottle.
4. Transfer more milk during breastfeeding.
5. Wean off respiratory support.
With love,
In other news, my OB called this morning to inform me that some of my blood work from the previous day had come back abnormal. My TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) came back very low. Normal is .45 and mine came back 0.018. This means that I have hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid). He is sending me to see an endocrinologist next week. I'm a little nervous about it (of course) but as long as they figure out what is wrong with me and make me feel better, I'm cool.
My in-laws fly in Friday at 3pm to stay until Monday. I'm super excited to see them and to see their reaction to Jackson! He's changed so much since they last saw him!
Current Stats:
Weight: 5 pounds 1 ounce
Respiratory: Low flow nasal cannula, oxygen tank, 1/64 liter.
Feeds: Full feeds (36 cc every three hours), One bottle, 18 cc. One breastfeeding, 10 cc.
1. Continue to reduce desats and bradys.
2. Keep on gaining weight!
3. Take a full bottle.
4. Transfer more milk during breastfeeding.
5. Wean off respiratory support.
With love,
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Dang those big bad vaccinations!
The past two days have reminded me to really appreciate the good days because a not-so-great day could be right around the corner. Tuesday morning Jackson turned two months and therefore, he received his two month vaccinations. The doctor weaned his cannula to 1/4 liter that morning, however, after his first vaccine, he began to desat frequently and have more brady-lite episodes. After a few hours of watching him go up and down, the nurse finally moved him back to 1/2 liter (which helped a bit); however, he continued to go up and down for the remainder of Tuesday. Wednesday morning he received his other two vaccinations and the desats and brady-lites began all over again. ::sigh:: Needless to say, it's been a rough two days.
Feeding wise, Jackson took 16 cc from his bottle on Tuesday, and he was too unstable to breastfeed. On Wednesday, he took 29 cc from his bottle (yay!) and took 4 cc breastfeeding. His full feed is 36 cc every three hours, so he received 7 cc after his bottle through is feeding tube and 31 cc after breastfeeding. Overall, I think that's a pretty good day considering he had received vaccines. The doctor isn't concerned about his desats and said they should improve after a day or so and his fever goes away. ::sigh:: I'm a historian at heart and realize how better the world is after the creation of vaccinations. I love vaccines and know they are necessary for his overall health, but I hate watching his body come to terms with them. :(
I've debated whether or not to include in my blog what I'm about to say. It's probably going to be a TMI for many of you, but I first started my blog to offer a place where women like me could get a real picture of what it's like to go through a situation like mine. So, if "girl issues" are too much for you... skip this paragraph. If you've just delivered a baby, have had issues like mine, or think that one day you may walk in shoes similar to mine (pink and black sketchers, size 8... lol) keep on reading.... So, Tuesday morning I woke up in a pool of blood on my bed. I freaked out a little, but know from my experiences with Jackson that the doctor would tell me to put a pad on and monitor the bleeding. That's exactly what I did. For the rest of the day, I kept bleeding through a pad about every hour to hour and a half. I called my OB twice and they kept telling me to monitor it and check to see if I was passing large clots. At about 11 am I passed my first large clot, called them to tell them, and was told to continue monitoring it. At around 4pm I passed another large clot (near the size of my palm) so I called Ryan and headed to the ER. I had been dizzy, seeing spots, sick to my stomach, and had an overall bad feeling. I spent less than 45 minutes in the ER. They gave me IV fluids, told me I was dehyrated, did a pelvic exam, and told me I had started my period. WHAT? First off I was told I wouldn't get my period until after I stopped breastfeeding or at least until I had significantly decreased the frequency of my breastfeeding (I'm still pumping every three and a half to four hours). Second, I was told when my period did return it would be significantly lighter than it had been before Jackson. This was WAY WAY WAY heavier than before. So, I returned home and decided to see my doctor the next day. At the hospital on Wednesday morning, Jackson's nurse asked me about my trip to the ER (she had heard about it that morning before I got there). She insisted that I go see my OB immediately to get it checked out (I was still bleeding heavily). I saw my OB and he is going to run some blood work to check for blood clotting problems and thyroid conditions after pregnancy. He said that he indeed thinks it is my period and that I'm one of the lucky rare few that a) get it breastfeeding and b) get it much heavier than before. Lucky me! Why should I expect anything different? He did put me on Iron supplements and on another medicine to help reduce the amount of bleeding. He told me I was dehydrated and needed to drink more water, take it easy, get more rest, and let Ryan take care of me while I continue to bleed. Awesome. He'll call me later in the week with the results from the blood work. So, lesson for all of you new moms or women in pink sketchers.... don't listen to them when they tell you you've got a year before your period arrives. It could only be 8 weeks.
Jackson's Stats:
Weight: 5 pounds 0.8 ounces!
Respiratory: Low flow nasal cannula, 1/2 liter, room air, frequent desats and brady-lites (probably due to vaccines)
Feeds: Full feeds, 36 cc every three hours, Tuesday: one bottle. 16 cc. Wednesday: one bottle. 29 cc. One breastfeeding. 4 cc.
1. Keep on gaining weight!
2. Reduce desats and bradys!
3. Continue working on feeding. Take full bottles. Transfer more breastfeeding.
With love,
Feeding wise, Jackson took 16 cc from his bottle on Tuesday, and he was too unstable to breastfeed. On Wednesday, he took 29 cc from his bottle (yay!) and took 4 cc breastfeeding. His full feed is 36 cc every three hours, so he received 7 cc after his bottle through is feeding tube and 31 cc after breastfeeding. Overall, I think that's a pretty good day considering he had received vaccines. The doctor isn't concerned about his desats and said they should improve after a day or so and his fever goes away. ::sigh:: I'm a historian at heart and realize how better the world is after the creation of vaccinations. I love vaccines and know they are necessary for his overall health, but I hate watching his body come to terms with them. :(
I've debated whether or not to include in my blog what I'm about to say. It's probably going to be a TMI for many of you, but I first started my blog to offer a place where women like me could get a real picture of what it's like to go through a situation like mine. So, if "girl issues" are too much for you... skip this paragraph. If you've just delivered a baby, have had issues like mine, or think that one day you may walk in shoes similar to mine (pink and black sketchers, size 8... lol) keep on reading.... So, Tuesday morning I woke up in a pool of blood on my bed. I freaked out a little, but know from my experiences with Jackson that the doctor would tell me to put a pad on and monitor the bleeding. That's exactly what I did. For the rest of the day, I kept bleeding through a pad about every hour to hour and a half. I called my OB twice and they kept telling me to monitor it and check to see if I was passing large clots. At about 11 am I passed my first large clot, called them to tell them, and was told to continue monitoring it. At around 4pm I passed another large clot (near the size of my palm) so I called Ryan and headed to the ER. I had been dizzy, seeing spots, sick to my stomach, and had an overall bad feeling. I spent less than 45 minutes in the ER. They gave me IV fluids, told me I was dehyrated, did a pelvic exam, and told me I had started my period. WHAT? First off I was told I wouldn't get my period until after I stopped breastfeeding or at least until I had significantly decreased the frequency of my breastfeeding (I'm still pumping every three and a half to four hours). Second, I was told when my period did return it would be significantly lighter than it had been before Jackson. This was WAY WAY WAY heavier than before. So, I returned home and decided to see my doctor the next day. At the hospital on Wednesday morning, Jackson's nurse asked me about my trip to the ER (she had heard about it that morning before I got there). She insisted that I go see my OB immediately to get it checked out (I was still bleeding heavily). I saw my OB and he is going to run some blood work to check for blood clotting problems and thyroid conditions after pregnancy. He said that he indeed thinks it is my period and that I'm one of the lucky rare few that a) get it breastfeeding and b) get it much heavier than before. Lucky me! Why should I expect anything different? He did put me on Iron supplements and on another medicine to help reduce the amount of bleeding. He told me I was dehydrated and needed to drink more water, take it easy, get more rest, and let Ryan take care of me while I continue to bleed. Awesome. He'll call me later in the week with the results from the blood work. So, lesson for all of you new moms or women in pink sketchers.... don't listen to them when they tell you you've got a year before your period arrives. It could only be 8 weeks.
Jackson's Stats:
Weight: 5 pounds 0.8 ounces!
Respiratory: Low flow nasal cannula, 1/2 liter, room air, frequent desats and brady-lites (probably due to vaccines)
Feeds: Full feeds, 36 cc every three hours, Tuesday: one bottle. 16 cc. Wednesday: one bottle. 29 cc. One breastfeeding. 4 cc.
1. Keep on gaining weight!
2. Reduce desats and bradys!
3. Continue working on feeding. Take full bottles. Transfer more breastfeeding.
With love,
Monday, July 26, 2010
A pretty good day
Jackson had a pretty good day today. He desated more today than he has the last few days. Overall, he is still doing so much better than he had last week, but it wasn't as easy going of a day as it had been the last few days.
There are many changes that are going to be happening over the next two days. They are changing his feedings from continuous to bolus meaning that they will run over 1 1/2 hours instead of continuously. He needs to get his feeds under half an hour to go home, but the continuous feedings were better for his reflux. Bittersweet.
Today's bottle went very well! I actually got to feed him today! He took 25 cc (his full bottle) in 27 minutes! Yay! We are going to increase him to two feedings tomorrow. I'm going to do one breastfeeding and he'll get one bottle feeding overnight. I hate that I won't be there to do the feeding, but Ryan has reminded me that I can't be there all the time. Eventually I'll get to feed him 24/7, but I'm sad I can't do it now.
Biggest news: the doctor is planning to wean him off his respiratory support on Wednesday. ::sigh:: I'm totally nervous! While Jackson may be ready, I'm not sure that his Mommy is. Keep praying for us that Jackson will be ready and that his Mommy will be too.
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 10.1 ounces!!
Respiratory: Low flow nasal cannula, 1/2 liter, Room air (21 percent oxygen)
Feeds: Full feeds, 12 cc per hour, continuous all day, changed to bolus feedings tonight (36 cc every three hours), one full bottle (24 cc) over 25 minutes
Other: Some desats, one brady (heart rate dropped to 96, O2 saturation 61)
1. Reduce desats.
2. Control reflux.
3. Wean respiratory support.
4. Keep gaining weight!
5. Successful breastfeeding!
6. Successful bottle feeding!
With love,
There are many changes that are going to be happening over the next two days. They are changing his feedings from continuous to bolus meaning that they will run over 1 1/2 hours instead of continuously. He needs to get his feeds under half an hour to go home, but the continuous feedings were better for his reflux. Bittersweet.
Today's bottle went very well! I actually got to feed him today! He took 25 cc (his full bottle) in 27 minutes! Yay! We are going to increase him to two feedings tomorrow. I'm going to do one breastfeeding and he'll get one bottle feeding overnight. I hate that I won't be there to do the feeding, but Ryan has reminded me that I can't be there all the time. Eventually I'll get to feed him 24/7, but I'm sad I can't do it now.
Biggest news: the doctor is planning to wean him off his respiratory support on Wednesday. ::sigh:: I'm totally nervous! While Jackson may be ready, I'm not sure that his Mommy is. Keep praying for us that Jackson will be ready and that his Mommy will be too.
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 10.1 ounces!!
Respiratory: Low flow nasal cannula, 1/2 liter, Room air (21 percent oxygen)
Feeds: Full feeds, 12 cc per hour, continuous all day, changed to bolus feedings tonight (36 cc every three hours), one full bottle (24 cc) over 25 minutes
Other: Some desats, one brady (heart rate dropped to 96, O2 saturation 61)
1. Reduce desats.
2. Control reflux.
3. Wean respiratory support.
4. Keep gaining weight!
5. Successful breastfeeding!
6. Successful bottle feeding!
With love,
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Jackson's a hungry little boy!!
Wow! Jackson had an amazing day today! The physical therapist gave him his bottle at noon (Ryan and I are still watching) and he finished off his full feeding (plus two extra the greedy little boy) in 25 minutes! (He has thirty minutes to finish his feed. The therapist said that they don't let him go for longer than thirty minutes because then he is burning more calories than they want him to). All in all, he took 26 cc! He did have a few desats during the feeding, but they did not turn up his oxygen or his flow. The main reason he desated was because he didn't want to stop and breathe. Instead, he wanted to guzzle the whole bottle down as fast as he could! The therapist showed us how to pace him and remind him that he has to breathe. Hopefully in the next day or two I'll get to give him a bottle myself and we'll get to increase his feedings to two a day: one bottle and one breastfeed! I've said from the very beginning that Jackson is a great eater just not a great breather! It's so nice that he's proved his Mama right!
He did have some minor reflux after the feed where the nurse (a wonderful woman from the Philippines named Merla) had to turn up his oxygen a little. About twenty minutes after the feed the reflux subsided and she turned him back down to room air where he's been since!
The doctor also weaned Jackson to 1/2 liter on his nasal cannula today! That is pretty much the step before they wean him totally off the respiratory support. He is doing such a great job! When I spoke to the night nurse tonight he did have some desating, but she said he had an extremely wet diaper (he peed through his clothes and his bedding) and I'm attributing the desating to that. None of us would want to sit in that wet of a mess without dropping our sats. Jackson is no exception to that! He always lets us know when he wants his diaper changed by squirming and dropping his sats! She said that since she changed him he has been in the upper nineties (high sating) for his O2 saturation. :)
I also taught Ryan how to give Jackson a massage today. The physical therapist (Bernadette) taught me earlier this week how to massage his back and legs. I think Ryan was really surprised how much Jackson really likes it!
Overall, it has been a wonderful day!! I'm so proud of Jackson! It really does seem like we've turned a corner!
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 10 ounces! We'll be five pounds in no time!
Respiratory: Low-flow nasal cannula, 1/2 liter, room air (21 percent oxygen)
Feeds: Full feeds, 12 cc per hour, continuous. Took full bottle (26 cc) at noon in 25 minutes.
1. Keep on gaining weight!
2. Successfully maintain O2 saturation at 1/2 liter.
3. Continue working on suck-swallow-breathe while taking full bottles.
4. Begin breatfeeding and transfer successful amount (determined by weighing him before and after breastfeeding).
With love,
He did have some minor reflux after the feed where the nurse (a wonderful woman from the Philippines named Merla) had to turn up his oxygen a little. About twenty minutes after the feed the reflux subsided and she turned him back down to room air where he's been since!
The doctor also weaned Jackson to 1/2 liter on his nasal cannula today! That is pretty much the step before they wean him totally off the respiratory support. He is doing such a great job! When I spoke to the night nurse tonight he did have some desating, but she said he had an extremely wet diaper (he peed through his clothes and his bedding) and I'm attributing the desating to that. None of us would want to sit in that wet of a mess without dropping our sats. Jackson is no exception to that! He always lets us know when he wants his diaper changed by squirming and dropping his sats! She said that since she changed him he has been in the upper nineties (high sating) for his O2 saturation. :)
I also taught Ryan how to give Jackson a massage today. The physical therapist (Bernadette) taught me earlier this week how to massage his back and legs. I think Ryan was really surprised how much Jackson really likes it!
Overall, it has been a wonderful day!! I'm so proud of Jackson! It really does seem like we've turned a corner!
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 10 ounces! We'll be five pounds in no time!
Respiratory: Low-flow nasal cannula, 1/2 liter, room air (21 percent oxygen)
Feeds: Full feeds, 12 cc per hour, continuous. Took full bottle (26 cc) at noon in 25 minutes.
1. Keep on gaining weight!
2. Successfully maintain O2 saturation at 1/2 liter.
3. Continue working on suck-swallow-breathe while taking full bottles.
4. Begin breatfeeding and transfer successful amount (determined by weighing him before and after breastfeeding).
With love,
Saturday, July 24, 2010
A Day In Pictures...
Today was a wonderful day! It began with some quality Jackson and Mommy cuddle time while Jackson successfully weaned to the regular nasal cannula at 1 liter! ...

then Jackson took his first bottle! He didn't desat and only dropped his heart rate once (very minor). He successfully took 7 cc and the PT said that he can continue one bottle feeding a day! It's a major success!!

About 6pm, Ryan and I left the hospital to go see the Gwinnett Braves play (a minor league baseball team in Atlanta). We met up with some people from his work and had a good night. Sadly, the braves lost, but we had a great time! We even picked up some cute Braves clothes for Jackson to grow into!

Once we made it home, we found a suspicious amount of black fur on the carpet. It appears Jacob and Mario were playing a little too rough...

And then we ended the night with Ryan subjecting the cats to a little torture! (Jacob and Hannah wearing a Gwinnett Braves helmet).

Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 8.2 ounces (he had lasix today so it's okay he lost a little)
Respiratory: Regular Low-Flow Nasal Cannula, 1 liter, Room Air (21 percent oxygen)
Feeds: Full Feeds, 12 cc every hour, continuous. 1 bottle. 7 cc. No episodes!
1. Another great bottle feeding... take more liquid.
2. Keep on growing!
3. Wean to 1/2 liter on regular cannula.
4. No episodes!
With love,
then Jackson took his first bottle! He didn't desat and only dropped his heart rate once (very minor). He successfully took 7 cc and the PT said that he can continue one bottle feeding a day! It's a major success!!
About 6pm, Ryan and I left the hospital to go see the Gwinnett Braves play (a minor league baseball team in Atlanta). We met up with some people from his work and had a good night. Sadly, the braves lost, but we had a great time! We even picked up some cute Braves clothes for Jackson to grow into!
Once we made it home, we found a suspicious amount of black fur on the carpet. It appears Jacob and Mario were playing a little too rough...
And then we ended the night with Ryan subjecting the cats to a little torture! (Jacob and Hannah wearing a Gwinnett Braves helmet).

Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 8.2 ounces (he had lasix today so it's okay he lost a little)
Respiratory: Regular Low-Flow Nasal Cannula, 1 liter, Room Air (21 percent oxygen)
Feeds: Full Feeds, 12 cc every hour, continuous. 1 bottle. 7 cc. No episodes!
1. Another great bottle feeding... take more liquid.
2. Keep on growing!
3. Wean to 1/2 liter on regular cannula.
4. No episodes!
With love,
Quick Update.... 1 liter!
Hi all! Just a quick update before we leave for the hospital. I just spoke to Jackson's nurse and she told us that they weaned him down to 1 liter on the regular nasal cannula at 4am and he is tolerating it beautifully! He's still on room air and his O2 saturation was 100%!!!
Ryan and I are heading down to the hospital now so we can give our little man his first bottle at 4pm!! Get excited!! :)
Also... check out this super cool comic strip about life in the NICU with a micropreemie (baby less than 3 pounds at birth).
With love,
Ryan and I are heading down to the hospital now so we can give our little man his first bottle at 4pm!! Get excited!! :)
Also... check out this super cool comic strip about life in the NICU with a micropreemie (baby less than 3 pounds at birth).
With love,
Friday, July 23, 2010
Today marks two very big steps for Jackson: the doctor ordered him to be weaned down to a regular nasal cannula of 1 1/2 liters and to begin bottle feeding!! He nurse is going to wean him from the high flow nasal cannula to the regular (low-flow) nasal cannula at his 4 am touch time. He'll not only wean to the different cannula (the regular cannula is much smaller) but he'll also wean down to 1 1/2 liters. She also wrote that if he continues to do well, no bradys, room air, and no desats the nurse can choose to wean him down further to 1 liter! Can you believe it?? The nurse also called physical therapy and scheduled us a 4 pm bottle feeding! The nurse will turn off his continuous feed at 3pm and then we'll offer him 22 cc in a bottle at 4 pm! I am praying that he is ahead of the game at bottle feeding, shows off, acts like a rock star, and progresses quickly in his feedings! We've waited so long to get to this point, weaned his respiratory support much slower than we were expecting, and now am praying that he is super successful at feeding so we can go home! I realize that I am probably setting myself up for disappointment, but I can't help but be super optimistic (probably delusional).
So, all in all, today is a very big day for my little man! We are making some big steps forward, and I have great anxiety about this big changes. I keep praying that they aren't too many changes, or too big changes, for him and that he can successfully acheive these big milestones!! His gestational age is 35 weeks today (until 40 weeks we count milestones by gestational weeks. At 40 weeks we start counting by corrected age which is like he was born on his due date. For example, he'll be one month corrected age on September 28 because his due date is August 28). It's time for big strides to happen!
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 8.8 ounces
Respiratory: Weaning down to 1 1/ liters on regular nasal cannula at 4am. Currently on High Flow Nasal cannula, 2 liters, Room air. No apena or brady episodes or desats!
Feeds: Full feeds, continuous, increased to 12 cc every hour. Begin bottle feeding, 22 cc, at 4 pm today!
1. Keep on growing!
2. Successfully wean to regular nasal cannula, either 1 1/2 or 1 liter(s).
3. Successful bottle feeding!
4. Continue no a&b streak (apnea or brady).
Wish us luck!!
With love,
So, all in all, today is a very big day for my little man! We are making some big steps forward, and I have great anxiety about this big changes. I keep praying that they aren't too many changes, or too big changes, for him and that he can successfully acheive these big milestones!! His gestational age is 35 weeks today (until 40 weeks we count milestones by gestational weeks. At 40 weeks we start counting by corrected age which is like he was born on his due date. For example, he'll be one month corrected age on September 28 because his due date is August 28). It's time for big strides to happen!
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 8.8 ounces
Respiratory: Weaning down to 1 1/ liters on regular nasal cannula at 4am. Currently on High Flow Nasal cannula, 2 liters, Room air. No apena or brady episodes or desats!
Feeds: Full feeds, continuous, increased to 12 cc every hour. Begin bottle feeding, 22 cc, at 4 pm today!
1. Keep on growing!
2. Successfully wean to regular nasal cannula, either 1 1/2 or 1 liter(s).
3. Successful bottle feeding!
4. Continue no a&b streak (apnea or brady).
Wish us luck!!
With love,
Jackson's Bachelor Pad in Pod G
With love,
2 Liters!!
Jackson successfully weaned down to 2 liters on his high flow nasal cannula yesterday! This is a big milestone we've been waiting on forever! The doctor said that (hopefully!) in the next couple of days we'll be able to wean him onto a regular low-flow nasal cannula and begin bottle feeding! We're getting closer to going home! :)
Other than that, not too much is going on. Ryan and I decided that it wasn't the right time for me to go back to work. There is no point in me going to work only to have to stop when Jackson comes home in a few weeks. Not to mention, I want to be with him! :)
I have tons of pictures to post later of his new bachelor pad! You'll see them soon!
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 7.3 ounces (he got lasix today so it's normal for him to lose a little water weight. lasix is his diuretic.)
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula, 2 liters, Room air (21 percent) No bradys or desats!
Feeds: Full feeds, continuous, 11 cc per hour.
Other: Great non-nutritive sucking session earlier with lactation. She said he is ready to begin eating, has a great latch and great suck. His only opportunity is that he is a tongue thruster so he keeps pushing stuff out of his mouth, but she said that would go away with time! He's already ahead of the game!! :)
1. Keep on gaining weight!
2. Begin taking a bottle.
3. Successfully wean down onto the low-flow nasal cannula.
With love,
Other than that, not too much is going on. Ryan and I decided that it wasn't the right time for me to go back to work. There is no point in me going to work only to have to stop when Jackson comes home in a few weeks. Not to mention, I want to be with him! :)
I have tons of pictures to post later of his new bachelor pad! You'll see them soon!
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 7.3 ounces (he got lasix today so it's normal for him to lose a little water weight. lasix is his diuretic.)
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula, 2 liters, Room air (21 percent) No bradys or desats!
Feeds: Full feeds, continuous, 11 cc per hour.
Other: Great non-nutritive sucking session earlier with lactation. She said he is ready to begin eating, has a great latch and great suck. His only opportunity is that he is a tongue thruster so he keeps pushing stuff out of his mouth, but she said that would go away with time! He's already ahead of the game!! :)
1. Keep on gaining weight!
2. Begin taking a bottle.
3. Successfully wean down onto the low-flow nasal cannula.
With love,
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Another Great Day!
Today was another great day! I think (fingers crossed) that Jackson has finally turned that corner that everyone kept telling us about. He is still on 2 1/2 liters on the high flow nasal cannula and staying on room air. The doctor wrote orders today that if he has another good night they'll turn him down to 2 liters tomorrow! I really think he's ready for 2 liters. He's been doing so great the last few days. I really hope it continues!
He did have one brady/apnea episode earlier. It has happened once a day for the last four days. It always happens between 2 and 3 pm and right after it he has a full diaper. The nurses are thinking he's dropping his heart rate and desating because he's bearing down and working on us a big "present". The doctors aren't concerned about it at all.
In other exciting news, Jackson is now four and a half pounds! Can you believe that?? He's such a big boy! Ryan and I were hoping to give him his bath tonight, but there was some miscommunication about when we'd be back from dinner to do it. Ryan and I went out to dinner with some of his work friends and we got back a little too late to do his bath. That's okay. He'll get another one in three days and we'll do it then!
The doctor told us today that he might be ready to take his first bottle this weekend! It all depends on if he can be successful weaning down to two liters, but if he is, we could start bottle feeding this weekend! I'm so excited!
I start my new job tomorrow night. I'm working from 6-8 pm. I'm a little nervous about going back to work and being away from Jackson. I'm sure it'll be fine, but I'm still nervous.
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 8 ounces!
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 2 1/2 liters room air (21 percent oxygen). Will wean to 2 liters tomorrow morning if he has a good night!
Feeds: Full feeds, continuous, 11 cc per hour.
1. Have a good night!
2. Successfully wean down to 2 liters tomorrow morning.
3. Keep on growing!
4. Continue successful non-nutritive sucking.
With love,
He did have one brady/apnea episode earlier. It has happened once a day for the last four days. It always happens between 2 and 3 pm and right after it he has a full diaper. The nurses are thinking he's dropping his heart rate and desating because he's bearing down and working on us a big "present". The doctors aren't concerned about it at all.
In other exciting news, Jackson is now four and a half pounds! Can you believe that?? He's such a big boy! Ryan and I were hoping to give him his bath tonight, but there was some miscommunication about when we'd be back from dinner to do it. Ryan and I went out to dinner with some of his work friends and we got back a little too late to do his bath. That's okay. He'll get another one in three days and we'll do it then!
The doctor told us today that he might be ready to take his first bottle this weekend! It all depends on if he can be successful weaning down to two liters, but if he is, we could start bottle feeding this weekend! I'm so excited!
I start my new job tomorrow night. I'm working from 6-8 pm. I'm a little nervous about going back to work and being away from Jackson. I'm sure it'll be fine, but I'm still nervous.
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 8 ounces!
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 2 1/2 liters room air (21 percent oxygen). Will wean to 2 liters tomorrow morning if he has a good night!
Feeds: Full feeds, continuous, 11 cc per hour.
1. Have a good night!
2. Successfully wean down to 2 liters tomorrow morning.
3. Keep on growing!
4. Continue successful non-nutritive sucking.
With love,
Oh no!
I just went to put something in the nursery, totally at random, and found Miss Brooks locked in! Apparently, I had locked her in sometime yesterday (I can't even remember seeing her at dinner last night so I'm not sure how long she was in there) and let her out this morning! She ran to the food bowl and then the litter box! I feel terrible!! :(
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
What a big boy!
Great news! Jackson has gained more weight and he's now at 4 pounds 5.3 ounces! He's quite the little chunky monkey now! :)
Today has been a great day! He had one brady episode, but I believe it was because he was in such a deep sleep that he forgot to breathe and dropped his heart rate! (I was sitting there watching him.) Other than that, he's still at room air and sating high! He continually tried to pull his prongs out of his nose today and continued to keep his O2 saturation high despite not getting that much support! The nurse said that once he weans down to 2 liters he could come off the respiratory support any day! She said that they could wean him down to 1 liter or 1 1/2 liters or they could decide to just try him off the support and see how he does. I hope they continue to wean him down for awhile because the idea of my little man without any respiratory support is a little nervewracking for me!
In other news, I was offered a job today working part time at Tailgaters Alley! I'll start this Thursday night. Tailgaters Alley is a college sports gear store. They have various locations, and I'll be working at the location in Cumming. The chain is owned by Tech grads and is one of the few locations to buy Tech gear! I'm a little apprehensive about going to work with a) Jackson in the NICU and b) once Jackson comes home, but I know it's the right decision and Ryan and I will make it work. It's only going to be part time (15ish hours per week). I can handle that especially if it means we can make a better life for my little man and his furry brothers and sisters!
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 5.3 ounces
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 2.5 liters, Room air (21 percent oxygen)
Feeds: Full feeds, continuous, 11 cc every hour.
1. Continue to put on weight! Lets hit 4 1/2 pounds soon! :)
2. Continue to have successful non-nutritive sucking experiences.
3. Wean down to 2 liters. Stay on room air.
4. No more bradys or apnea episodes!
5. Reduce feed times from continuous back down to 1 1/2 hour. (The amount of time they feed him... the ultimate goal is to take his feeds over 30 minutes but because of the reflux we've had to go up to continuous).
With love,
Today has been a great day! He had one brady episode, but I believe it was because he was in such a deep sleep that he forgot to breathe and dropped his heart rate! (I was sitting there watching him.) Other than that, he's still at room air and sating high! He continually tried to pull his prongs out of his nose today and continued to keep his O2 saturation high despite not getting that much support! The nurse said that once he weans down to 2 liters he could come off the respiratory support any day! She said that they could wean him down to 1 liter or 1 1/2 liters or they could decide to just try him off the support and see how he does. I hope they continue to wean him down for awhile because the idea of my little man without any respiratory support is a little nervewracking for me!
In other news, I was offered a job today working part time at Tailgaters Alley! I'll start this Thursday night. Tailgaters Alley is a college sports gear store. They have various locations, and I'll be working at the location in Cumming. The chain is owned by Tech grads and is one of the few locations to buy Tech gear! I'm a little apprehensive about going to work with a) Jackson in the NICU and b) once Jackson comes home, but I know it's the right decision and Ryan and I will make it work. It's only going to be part time (15ish hours per week). I can handle that especially if it means we can make a better life for my little man and his furry brothers and sisters!
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 5.3 ounces
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 2.5 liters, Room air (21 percent oxygen)
Feeds: Full feeds, continuous, 11 cc every hour.
1. Continue to put on weight! Lets hit 4 1/2 pounds soon! :)
2. Continue to have successful non-nutritive sucking experiences.
3. Wean down to 2 liters. Stay on room air.
4. No more bradys or apnea episodes!
5. Reduce feed times from continuous back down to 1 1/2 hour. (The amount of time they feed him... the ultimate goal is to take his feeds over 30 minutes but because of the reflux we've had to go up to continuous).
With love,
Monday, July 19, 2010
Russian Nesting Doll
Great news! Jackson has gained some more weight... he's now 4 pounds 3.5 ounces! He's such a big boy! The doctor weaned his high flow down to 2.5 liters today. He had 2 minor bradys and one apnea spell while I was there (about 1 hour after they weaned him) and he's been good every since! He's still on room air (21 percent) and having a good day!
The cats had quite an adventurous day. Jacob knocked over the cat condo, and Grace climbed in to explore! The best part of the day was our magic Russian nesting doll trick...
Jacob and a box.... Oh wait...the box is moving!
What is that in a box in a box?
It's a Hannah Bear!!!
Jackson's Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 3.5 ounces
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 2.5 liters, Room Air (21 percent oxygen)
Feeds: Full Feeds, continuous, increased to 33 cc every 3 hours.
1. Keep on growing!!
2. Wean to 2 liters.
3. Continue non-nutritive sucking.
With love,
The cats had quite an adventurous day. Jacob knocked over the cat condo, and Grace climbed in to explore! The best part of the day was our magic Russian nesting doll trick...

Jackson's Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 3.5 ounces
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 2.5 liters, Room Air (21 percent oxygen)
Feeds: Full Feeds, continuous, increased to 33 cc every 3 hours.
1. Keep on growing!!
2. Wean to 2 liters.
3. Continue non-nutritive sucking.
With love,
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Wonderful Day!
Jackson had a wonderful day today! There isn't much to report. He is still on high flow cannula 3 liters and room air (21 percent oxygen). The doctor said that if he continues to do well for a couple of days they would try weaning him down again. He seems to really like his new room... it is so quiet!! The only change they made today was to add more calories to my breast milk to help him grow more.
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 2 ounces!
Respiratory: High Flow Cannula, 3 liters, Room air (21 percent oxygen). Very few desats.
Feeds: Full feeds (10 cc every hour) continuous.
1. Continue growing!
2. Wean down to 2 or 2 1/2 liters on high flow.
3. Continue successful non-nutritive sucking.
With love,
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 2 ounces!
Respiratory: High Flow Cannula, 3 liters, Room air (21 percent oxygen). Very few desats.
Feeds: Full feeds (10 cc every hour) continuous.
1. Continue growing!
2. Wean down to 2 or 2 1/2 liters on high flow.
3. Continue successful non-nutritive sucking.
With love,
Our Big Move to G
Jackson has had a really good day yesterday! The doctor weaned him down to High Flow 3, and he has stayed on room air almost the whole day! Ryan and I got there about 11:30 am and Ryan spent the first part of the morning holding him. :) After that we tried the non-nutritive sucking, but he was totally not in the mood for it (he wanted to sleep) so we stopped.
We spent the rest of the day just sitting with him. We left at 4:45 to go see The Sorcerer's Apprentice (good should check it out). While we were there a room opened up in G pod, so Jackson got moved! After the movie we went down to see him and check out his new room. (pictures to follow later). He had a good night, no episodes. Overall, there isn't much to report! (No news is good news).
Weight: 3 pounds 15.6 ounces (the nurse said it's probably because they are using a different scale)
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 3 liters. 21 percent oxygen (room air)
Feeds: Full feeds (10 cc an hour) continuous.
1. Get settled into new room in G pod.
2. Wean down to 2 liters.
3. Have a successful non-nutritive session.
4. Keep on gaining weight!
With love,
Friday, July 16, 2010
Luckily, things aren't as bad as they seemed...
Ryan and I discovered yesterday, after talking with Jackson's doctor, that things aren't as bad as they seemed at my last post. Here is what the doctor said:
1. He put Jackson on the list to move to G because he thought it would be a more quiet environment for Jackson while he finished his time on the 2nd floor. Most babies that are in an open crib have already progressed upstairs to the private rooms on the 7th floor by the time they are ready for an open crib. It'd okay that Jackson isn't ready to go upstairs, but now that he's in an open crib we need to think about all of the noises Jackson is hearing.
2. Jackson's doctor isn't sure why they decided to move Jackson's flow up to 4 liters last night, but he wouldn't have made that move. He ordered the respiratory therapist to redo Jackson's prongs on his face because he was receiving very little support from the high flow because he was losing most of the flow and oxygen due to the poor positioning of the prongs (they were mostly out of his nose!) and told us that Jackson should be able to wean back down to 3 liters today. He is not concerned about his respiratory support and said that Jackson will wean when he's ready. Taking the steps back the last few days is okay and is due to his reflux. He said that they would look at medicine for that starting at 34 weeks (which is today for us) but they like to hold off as long as possible because of the negative side effects of the meds.
So, all in all, it was a good conversation with the doctor. He said that we should hopefully be home before or right around my due date (August 28). That made me feel better because I thought it might be significantly longer after the set backs of the last few days.
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds .6 ounces
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 4 liters. 21 percent oxygen (room air).
Feeds: Increased full feeds to 30 cc continuous.
1. Wean his high flow to 3 liters.
2. Continue to gain weight!
3. Keep him happy, healthy, and well-loved!
Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers, especially over the last week. It's working! :)
With love,
1. He put Jackson on the list to move to G because he thought it would be a more quiet environment for Jackson while he finished his time on the 2nd floor. Most babies that are in an open crib have already progressed upstairs to the private rooms on the 7th floor by the time they are ready for an open crib. It'd okay that Jackson isn't ready to go upstairs, but now that he's in an open crib we need to think about all of the noises Jackson is hearing.
2. Jackson's doctor isn't sure why they decided to move Jackson's flow up to 4 liters last night, but he wouldn't have made that move. He ordered the respiratory therapist to redo Jackson's prongs on his face because he was receiving very little support from the high flow because he was losing most of the flow and oxygen due to the poor positioning of the prongs (they were mostly out of his nose!) and told us that Jackson should be able to wean back down to 3 liters today. He is not concerned about his respiratory support and said that Jackson will wean when he's ready. Taking the steps back the last few days is okay and is due to his reflux. He said that they would look at medicine for that starting at 34 weeks (which is today for us) but they like to hold off as long as possible because of the negative side effects of the meds.
So, all in all, it was a good conversation with the doctor. He said that we should hopefully be home before or right around my due date (August 28). That made me feel better because I thought it might be significantly longer after the set backs of the last few days.
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds .6 ounces
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 4 liters. 21 percent oxygen (room air).
Feeds: Increased full feeds to 30 cc continuous.
1. Wean his high flow to 3 liters.
2. Continue to gain weight!
3. Keep him happy, healthy, and well-loved!
Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers, especially over the last week. It's working! :)
With love,
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I'm So Upset this will be short and sweet
Bad news all around:
Lots of desats and brady episodes.
Moved to High Flow Nasal Cannula 4 liters.
Switched to continuous feeds.
Put on the list to be moved to G pod (a more private room on the second floor... typically reserved for babies that are more long term that will be on the 2nd floor for a while and would benefit from the private setting)
Weight: 4 pounds
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 4 liters. Between 25-30 percent oxygen.
Feeds: Full feeds (29 cc) continuous.
I'm so devastated I can't even give a list of goals. I guess my goal is to just make it through the next few days and keep him as comfortable and happy as possible.
With love,
Lots of desats and brady episodes.
Moved to High Flow Nasal Cannula 4 liters.
Switched to continuous feeds.
Put on the list to be moved to G pod (a more private room on the second floor... typically reserved for babies that are more long term that will be on the 2nd floor for a while and would benefit from the private setting)
Weight: 4 pounds
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 4 liters. Between 25-30 percent oxygen.
Feeds: Full feeds (29 cc) continuous.
I'm so devastated I can't even give a list of goals. I guess my goal is to just make it through the next few days and keep him as comfortable and happy as possible.
With love,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Rainbow after the Storm
Yesterday was the rainbow after the storm. Jackson had a much better day. He spent most of the afternoon on room air sating in the 90s. He had a few more drops in heart rate, but he always picked himself back up and returned to normal while I was in the room. I stepped at around 4:30pm and he dropped again and required some help getting back to normal. The nurses turned his oxygen up to 32 percent, but he recovered (slowly) and is now back down to 25 percent.
Yesterday's conversation with the doctor was very helpful. He said that he thought Jackson's issue right now is the reflux, but they don't want to medicate preemies until after 35 weeks (if at all) because of the risks of the medicine (which I don't know what the risks are). He said that for the next few works we're in a tough spot because Jackson having the feeding tube makes the reflux worse, they can't take the feeding tube out until he can eat on his own, he can't start eating on his own until his respiratory support is weaned down, and he can't wean successfully from his respiratory support because of his episodes with the reflux. So, it's just a tough spot to be in. He did write orders for me to continue the non-nutritive sucking so we can continue practice breastfeeding with him so that he'll be ready to eat when the time comes. The doctor said that he doesn't think Jackson with have trouble with eating, we just have to get him to that point. :) He also said that he expects Jackson to be in the hospital another 4-6 weeks, possibly closer to the 6 week mark. That was a little disappointing because I want my baby to come, but it wasn't at all unexpected. After the other day, I especially want Jackson to come home when he's ready and not necessarily just when I'm ready.
The most exciting part of the day was that my daddy came to visit Jackson and I and had lunch with me. It was so wonderful to get to show Jackson off to my family. I think my daddy was impressed with how big my little man is! He said he'd stop by again soon so that I can get pictures of the two of them together... I was so proud to show Jackson to daddy that I forgot to take pictures!
Current Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 14.6 ounces (he dropped a little weight again but they think it's due to his diuretic).
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 3 liters. Requiring 21-32 percent oxygen. 21-25 normally, 25-32 during reflux episodes.
Feeds: Full Feeds (29 cc) every three hours given to him over 1 1/2 hours.
Extras: big boy crib. non-nutritive sucking (today he latched once but really preferred to sleep).
1. Continue practicing non-nutritive sucking.
2. Continue growing! Make it to 4 pounds!
3. Continue supporting him respiratory wise during these reflux episodes. Maybe wean flow when he's super ready?
Today is my TMJ doctor appt. at 8:15am and my lactation appointment at 11:30 to practice non-nutritive. Group is at 6:30pm and hopefully Ryan will be home later tonight!
With love,
Yesterday's conversation with the doctor was very helpful. He said that he thought Jackson's issue right now is the reflux, but they don't want to medicate preemies until after 35 weeks (if at all) because of the risks of the medicine (which I don't know what the risks are). He said that for the next few works we're in a tough spot because Jackson having the feeding tube makes the reflux worse, they can't take the feeding tube out until he can eat on his own, he can't start eating on his own until his respiratory support is weaned down, and he can't wean successfully from his respiratory support because of his episodes with the reflux. So, it's just a tough spot to be in. He did write orders for me to continue the non-nutritive sucking so we can continue practice breastfeeding with him so that he'll be ready to eat when the time comes. The doctor said that he doesn't think Jackson with have trouble with eating, we just have to get him to that point. :) He also said that he expects Jackson to be in the hospital another 4-6 weeks, possibly closer to the 6 week mark. That was a little disappointing because I want my baby to come, but it wasn't at all unexpected. After the other day, I especially want Jackson to come home when he's ready and not necessarily just when I'm ready.
The most exciting part of the day was that my daddy came to visit Jackson and I and had lunch with me. It was so wonderful to get to show Jackson off to my family. I think my daddy was impressed with how big my little man is! He said he'd stop by again soon so that I can get pictures of the two of them together... I was so proud to show Jackson to daddy that I forgot to take pictures!
Current Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 14.6 ounces (he dropped a little weight again but they think it's due to his diuretic).
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 3 liters. Requiring 21-32 percent oxygen. 21-25 normally, 25-32 during reflux episodes.
Feeds: Full Feeds (29 cc) every three hours given to him over 1 1/2 hours.
Extras: big boy crib. non-nutritive sucking (today he latched once but really preferred to sleep).
1. Continue practicing non-nutritive sucking.
2. Continue growing! Make it to 4 pounds!
3. Continue supporting him respiratory wise during these reflux episodes. Maybe wean flow when he's super ready?
Today is my TMJ doctor appt. at 8:15am and my lactation appointment at 11:30 to practice non-nutritive. Group is at 6:30pm and hopefully Ryan will be home later tonight!
With love,
I just found Miss Brooks with white fur sticking out of her mouth... she's a black cat.
I just thought everyone should know. :)
I just thought everyone should know. :)
Some New Pictures
We don't want to move to the penthouse... EVER!
After yesterday, I'm done begging to move to the penthouse. No more pushing to have Jackson progress to the next step. No more wanting him to ride out his desats so they don't have to turn up his oxygen or flow. Jackson can take as long as he wants to progress. He can have as much flow or oxygen as he wants that day. Most importantly, we don't want to move to the penthouse... ever! He can stay on the second floor for months and months if that's what he needs. This mommy is finished trying to challenge and progress her little man.
Jackson had a very rough day yesterday and had the worst episode he's had since birth. When I got there this yesterday morning, he was desating into the seventies and sixties and didn't seem to want to go back to normal saturation. I tried holding him in different positions, massaging him, changing his diaper... everything! He had gone up on his oxygen and was still having problems. Eventually, our wonderful nurse asked the doctor if we could move from 2 1/2 liters back to 3 liters on the flow. We did, and it temporarily made a difference. Around 2pm, Jackson started desating frequently again so I decided to change his diaper and see if that would help. 5 diapers later, my little man had hopefully gotten all of his "presents" out of his system and would try to settle. By 2:30 pm, it was evident that he wasn't settled and was having a terrible time trying to breathe. He was sating in the 50s and 60s and was at 40 percent oxygen and high flow 3 liters. I was beginning to feel like something was very wrong. All of a sudden, Jackson dropped his saturation levels to the 30s, had two drops in heart rate back to back and couldn't seem to recover, and then started turning blue. That's right, his color started to change. Luckily, the most wonderful nurse in the whole wide world, Juliana, was right there and started working with him to get him to take deep breaths, raise his heart rate, and start bringing up his saturation levels which in turn made his color go back to normal. I just stood there, panicked, feeling like the most inadequate person, Mommy, entity in the entire universe. I just kept thinking, "I don't know how to help. I don't know what is wrong. Please help him."
Once Juliana opened him back up, he got much better and even dropped his oxygen requirement to 24 percent!! He hadn't been below 30 percent since he was put on high flow! When I just called a few minutes ago, he was requiring 23 percent and was sating in the 90s. I'm so thankful that Jackson is doing so much better. He did have two minor drops in heart rate yesterday afternoon, but he recovered on his own.
When I asked Juliana if this indicated a problem, she said no. That this is just a side effect of being premature. She said it was a moderate episode and that everything we'd experienced and thought was awful before was very minor. She also described to me what a worse situation could be, and I can never be thankful enough that we do not have to experience that. I also asked her if this was my fault... if I pushed too hard, overstimulated him, changed his diaper too many times, etc. She assured me that this wasn't my fault, but it's been 12 hours later and I still can't help but feel responsible.
All in all, I never want to move to the penthouse because I don't want to risk something like that happening without a wonderful nurse standing right there to help. I've always been calm under pressure but seeing my baby like that is gutwrenching and showed me just how inadequate I am to give him the full care he needs right now. I will never rush him again. He can progress at his own sweet pace and if Jackson isn't ready to come home until next May, I'll adapt to him and not push him to be ready in my time table.
Current Stats:
Weight 3 pounds 14.9 ounces (he dropped a little)
Respiratory: High Flow nasal cannula 3 liters. Requiring 23-30 percent oxygen.
Feeds: Full Feeds (29 cc every three hours) being ran over 1 1/2 hours to help with reflux.
Extras: Big Boy crib, maintaining temperature.
Jackson had a very rough day yesterday and had the worst episode he's had since birth. When I got there this yesterday morning, he was desating into the seventies and sixties and didn't seem to want to go back to normal saturation. I tried holding him in different positions, massaging him, changing his diaper... everything! He had gone up on his oxygen and was still having problems. Eventually, our wonderful nurse asked the doctor if we could move from 2 1/2 liters back to 3 liters on the flow. We did, and it temporarily made a difference. Around 2pm, Jackson started desating frequently again so I decided to change his diaper and see if that would help. 5 diapers later, my little man had hopefully gotten all of his "presents" out of his system and would try to settle. By 2:30 pm, it was evident that he wasn't settled and was having a terrible time trying to breathe. He was sating in the 50s and 60s and was at 40 percent oxygen and high flow 3 liters. I was beginning to feel like something was very wrong. All of a sudden, Jackson dropped his saturation levels to the 30s, had two drops in heart rate back to back and couldn't seem to recover, and then started turning blue. That's right, his color started to change. Luckily, the most wonderful nurse in the whole wide world, Juliana, was right there and started working with him to get him to take deep breaths, raise his heart rate, and start bringing up his saturation levels which in turn made his color go back to normal. I just stood there, panicked, feeling like the most inadequate person, Mommy, entity in the entire universe. I just kept thinking, "I don't know how to help. I don't know what is wrong. Please help him."
Once Juliana opened him back up, he got much better and even dropped his oxygen requirement to 24 percent!! He hadn't been below 30 percent since he was put on high flow! When I just called a few minutes ago, he was requiring 23 percent and was sating in the 90s. I'm so thankful that Jackson is doing so much better. He did have two minor drops in heart rate yesterday afternoon, but he recovered on his own.
When I asked Juliana if this indicated a problem, she said no. That this is just a side effect of being premature. She said it was a moderate episode and that everything we'd experienced and thought was awful before was very minor. She also described to me what a worse situation could be, and I can never be thankful enough that we do not have to experience that. I also asked her if this was my fault... if I pushed too hard, overstimulated him, changed his diaper too many times, etc. She assured me that this wasn't my fault, but it's been 12 hours later and I still can't help but feel responsible.
All in all, I never want to move to the penthouse because I don't want to risk something like that happening without a wonderful nurse standing right there to help. I've always been calm under pressure but seeing my baby like that is gutwrenching and showed me just how inadequate I am to give him the full care he needs right now. I will never rush him again. He can progress at his own sweet pace and if Jackson isn't ready to come home until next May, I'll adapt to him and not push him to be ready in my time table.
Current Stats:
Weight 3 pounds 14.9 ounces (he dropped a little)
Respiratory: High Flow nasal cannula 3 liters. Requiring 23-30 percent oxygen.
Feeds: Full Feeds (29 cc every three hours) being ran over 1 1/2 hours to help with reflux.
Extras: Big Boy crib, maintaining temperature.
Monday, July 12, 2010
An Important Lesson
Today, a nurse taught me a very important lesson. I was talking with another mom about my frustrations with Jackson taking so long to progress off his respiratory support. I mentioned that other family's babies that I knew had progressed off respiratory support at this point, but Jackson hasn't. The nurse stopped me and said "You can't do that. Will you be asking Jackson in high school "why aren't you as (smart, athletic, insert adjective here) as the other kids." It isn't fair to him. Everyone is different. He'll get there when he's ready." This really hit home for me. I had heard a million times that every baby is different, but when she put it in terms of comparing him to other kids in high school I realized how unfair I was being to Jackson. I would NEVER say something like that to him when he's older, so why am I putting unfair comparisons on him now?
Today, the doctor tried to wean Jackson down to 2 liters again, but he wasn't quite ready. I think he's getting close, but he wasn't ready today. He did stay on 2 liters for a little over 2 hours and that is better than yesterday. Maybe tomorrow or the next day he'll be ready.
The most exciting thing that happened today was that we got to start non-nutritive sucking! That is where I pump and then put Jackson to the breast so he can practice breastfeeding. He was a pro! He latched right away, which is quite amazing because I've heard so many horror stories about babies not being able to latch. Jackson sucked for a good 15 minutes, didn't desat (he highsated actually), and really seemed to enjoy it! I'll spare everyone the embarrassing details, but he was great! We'll get to do it again tomorrow! :) The doctor said by the end of the week or early next week he could be taking bottles and breastfeeding! :) :)
Jackson also transitioned into a big boy crib tonight! Hopefully he'll be able to keep his temperature up and stay in the crib! New pictures will follow tomorrow! :)
Current Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 15.9 ounces (So close to that 4 pounds!!!)
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 2 1/2 liters Between 28-40 percent oxygen (He was 40 percent earlier when they tried to wean him to 2 liters but now he's between 28-32 percent)
Feeds: Full Feeds (29 cc every three hours) He's doing better with his reflux now too! They spread his feedings over 1 1/2 hours now instead of 30 minutes.
1. Stay in big boy crib! Maintain temperature!
2. Continue non-nutritive sucking.
3. Gain weight and make it to 4 pounds!
4. When he's ready, successfully wean down to 2 liters! :)
With love,
Today, the doctor tried to wean Jackson down to 2 liters again, but he wasn't quite ready. I think he's getting close, but he wasn't ready today. He did stay on 2 liters for a little over 2 hours and that is better than yesterday. Maybe tomorrow or the next day he'll be ready.
The most exciting thing that happened today was that we got to start non-nutritive sucking! That is where I pump and then put Jackson to the breast so he can practice breastfeeding. He was a pro! He latched right away, which is quite amazing because I've heard so many horror stories about babies not being able to latch. Jackson sucked for a good 15 minutes, didn't desat (he highsated actually), and really seemed to enjoy it! I'll spare everyone the embarrassing details, but he was great! We'll get to do it again tomorrow! :) The doctor said by the end of the week or early next week he could be taking bottles and breastfeeding! :) :)
Jackson also transitioned into a big boy crib tonight! Hopefully he'll be able to keep his temperature up and stay in the crib! New pictures will follow tomorrow! :)
Current Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 15.9 ounces (So close to that 4 pounds!!!)
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 2 1/2 liters Between 28-40 percent oxygen (He was 40 percent earlier when they tried to wean him to 2 liters but now he's between 28-32 percent)
Feeds: Full Feeds (29 cc every three hours) He's doing better with his reflux now too! They spread his feedings over 1 1/2 hours now instead of 30 minutes.
1. Stay in big boy crib! Maintain temperature!
2. Continue non-nutritive sucking.
3. Gain weight and make it to 4 pounds!
4. When he's ready, successfully wean down to 2 liters! :)
With love,
Oh no! Does Jackson have reflux?
Yesterday was a relatively uneventful day. The doctor tried to wean him down to 2 liters today on his respiratory support, but Jackson wasn't quite ready for that. So, the nurse weaned him from 3 liters to 2 1/2 liters and he seemed fine with that! One small step closer to that 2 mark!
Jackson had another tummy ache this past afternoon and apparently had a few more during the night. His night nurse thinks he might be starting to have trouble with reflux, so she is going to try to tilt his bed and maybe run his feeding over a longer period. She said that the doctor can prescribe reflux medicine for him, so I may ask the doctor about that later today.
Jackson made a mess of his clothes and blankets earlier so the nurse let me completely change his clothes and bedding all by myself! I did it like a pro, and Jackson seemed to tolerate it okay. I also got to get him in and out of bed by myself! :) (I'm a real Mommy now! lol)
In other news, Ryan left for his business trip. So far, I'm doing okay without him here although there was a bad storm tonight so I him during the night because I got scared. Other than that though, I'm doing okay! :) (I do miss him a bunch though).
Current Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 15 ounces (so close to 4!)
Respiratory: 2 1/2 liters High Flow Nasal Cannula, between 29-32 percent oxygen
Feeds: Full Feeds (Increased to 29 cc every 3 hours!)
1. Wean to 2 liters high flow and stay around 30 percent oxygen.
2. Move to a big boy crib (hopefully today!)
3. Reduce desats
4. Get this reflux under control
5. Continue gaining weight. Hit 4 pounds! :)
With love,
Jackson had another tummy ache this past afternoon and apparently had a few more during the night. His night nurse thinks he might be starting to have trouble with reflux, so she is going to try to tilt his bed and maybe run his feeding over a longer period. She said that the doctor can prescribe reflux medicine for him, so I may ask the doctor about that later today.
Jackson made a mess of his clothes and blankets earlier so the nurse let me completely change his clothes and bedding all by myself! I did it like a pro, and Jackson seemed to tolerate it okay. I also got to get him in and out of bed by myself! :) (I'm a real Mommy now! lol)
In other news, Ryan left for his business trip. So far, I'm doing okay without him here although there was a bad storm tonight so I him during the night because I got scared. Other than that though, I'm doing okay! :) (I do miss him a bunch though).
Current Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 15 ounces (so close to 4!)
Respiratory: 2 1/2 liters High Flow Nasal Cannula, between 29-32 percent oxygen
Feeds: Full Feeds (Increased to 29 cc every 3 hours!)
1. Wean to 2 liters high flow and stay around 30 percent oxygen.
2. Move to a big boy crib (hopefully today!)
3. Reduce desats
4. Get this reflux under control
5. Continue gaining weight. Hit 4 pounds! :)
With love,
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Jackson's First Tummy Ache and Amie Sue Hides from Mommy
Poor Jackson and Amie Sue. It was kind of a traumatic day for both of my little ones.
While I was vaccuuming this morning, poor Amie Sue just couldn't take it so she found a safe place to hide.

Jackson had his first tummy ache yesterday while Ryan and I were there. I had just finished holding him, we had put him back in the bed and dressed him (he was starting to desat more frequently and squirm in my arms which usually means he wants to go back to bed), and were just waiting for him to settle back down.
He usually takes just a minute to settle and his O2 saturation will go back to normal. Yesterday, his saturation stayed in the 70s for at least 15 minutes despite the nurse raising his oxygen from 28-32. Then, she came over and raised it to 35. Still no change. He stayed in the 70s and occasionally would dip into the sixties. The nurse came back over to look at him, took him out of the bed, and burped him. (The first time I've ever seen Jackson burped. He's on feeding tube feedings, so he doesn't usually need to be burped). Then, she showed us that Jackson was bearing down and making little grunting noises. She explained that that meant he had a tummy ache was either having gas or trying hard to pass a bowel movement. She explained to me that he wasn't struggling with his breathing, he just needed some time to have his tummy ache. So, she handed me Jackson and taught me how to massage him to help him pass whatever he was struggling to pass.
Finally, his tummy ache seemed to subside and he started having the hiccups. That usually means that Jackson is stressed out and needs some time to recover himself. So, we put him back into bed and he seemed much better within 15 minutes!
Ryan leaves tonight to go out of town for business for a week. He'll return on Friday. I know I'm going to miss him, but I'm excited to see how far Jackson comes this week before he gets back! I've got some more work to do in the nursery, so I'm hoping to get that finished before Ryan gets back and then have him say "Wow! Look how awesome that looks!" when he gets back! :)
The nurse tried again last night to get a urine sample to send away for a culture, but she was unable to get one. The doctor today decided that two days of negative blood tests and no change in his white blood count indicated that there isn't an infection so he discontinued the order to keep cathing Jackson. (Thank goodness!)
Current Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 13.9 ounces!
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 3, 28-32 percent oxygen (he went up to 40 during his tummy ache but came right back down)
Feeds: Full Feeds (27 cc every three hours)
1. Make it to 4 pounds!
2. Wean down to High Flow 2 and stay around 30 percent oxygen.
3. Continue maintaining body temperature in the isolator and wean back to a big boy crib!
4. Less frequent desats.
5. Move to the penthouse? (7th floor, less intensive nursery)
6. Do well enough on high flow 2 that we can begin non-nutritive sucking (the step before taking bottles!)
I know there are a lot of goals right now, but that's because many things begin happening once Jackson weans down to high flow 2. It's when we begin the next phase of his development! :)
With love,
PS. I forgot to mention that the nurse yesterday commented on how well Jackson responds to voices and tracks people with his eyes. She says that is a great sign for his neurological development!! :)
While I was vaccuuming this morning, poor Amie Sue just couldn't take it so she found a safe place to hide.

Jackson had his first tummy ache yesterday while Ryan and I were there. I had just finished holding him, we had put him back in the bed and dressed him (he was starting to desat more frequently and squirm in my arms which usually means he wants to go back to bed), and were just waiting for him to settle back down.
He usually takes just a minute to settle and his O2 saturation will go back to normal. Yesterday, his saturation stayed in the 70s for at least 15 minutes despite the nurse raising his oxygen from 28-32. Then, she came over and raised it to 35. Still no change. He stayed in the 70s and occasionally would dip into the sixties. The nurse came back over to look at him, took him out of the bed, and burped him. (The first time I've ever seen Jackson burped. He's on feeding tube feedings, so he doesn't usually need to be burped). Then, she showed us that Jackson was bearing down and making little grunting noises. She explained that that meant he had a tummy ache was either having gas or trying hard to pass a bowel movement. She explained to me that he wasn't struggling with his breathing, he just needed some time to have his tummy ache. So, she handed me Jackson and taught me how to massage him to help him pass whatever he was struggling to pass.
The nurse tried again last night to get a urine sample to send away for a culture, but she was unable to get one. The doctor today decided that two days of negative blood tests and no change in his white blood count indicated that there isn't an infection so he discontinued the order to keep cathing Jackson. (Thank goodness!)
Current Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 13.9 ounces!
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 3, 28-32 percent oxygen (he went up to 40 during his tummy ache but came right back down)
Feeds: Full Feeds (27 cc every three hours)
1. Make it to 4 pounds!
2. Wean down to High Flow 2 and stay around 30 percent oxygen.
3. Continue maintaining body temperature in the isolator and wean back to a big boy crib!
4. Less frequent desats.
5. Move to the penthouse? (7th floor, less intensive nursery)
6. Do well enough on high flow 2 that we can begin non-nutritive sucking (the step before taking bottles!)
I know there are a lot of goals right now, but that's because many things begin happening once Jackson weans down to high flow 2. It's when we begin the next phase of his development! :)
With love,
PS. I forgot to mention that the nurse yesterday commented on how well Jackson responds to voices and tracks people with his eyes. She says that is a great sign for his neurological development!! :)
Friday, July 9, 2010
Wonderful Day, Wonderful Night!
Let me begin tonight's post with a huge sigh of relief and a thankful prayer for wonderful nurses and a great day. Today Jackson had his favorite nurse, Juliana, back and I swear, he knows when she's there! He had a great day. He had his normal desats and highsats but he ended the day better than when he began it! He seemed happy most of the day (he is even starting to smile a bit and I even caught him trying to suck on his thumb!) and even though he struggled with progressing to high flow 3 he did well and is still on it!!
When I talked to the doctor today, she said that his white blood cell count came back a little lower than normal for Jackson even though it wasn't outside of the normal range. For that reason, she decided to run some more tests to determine whether or not he has a urinary tract infection. She said that if he does, he seems to be tolerating it well and she doesn't feel he needs to be put on antibiotics immediately because he isn't showing that he's sick enough for it. She wants to run these tests just to be sure he does or does not have one and then she'll treat from there. I watched three different nurses try to get a catheter in him, but they were sadly unable to. The night team is going to try again tonight. They need to put a catheter in just to get a sterile urine won't have to stay in. Amazingly, Jackson tolerated the procedure very well and even high stated through parts of it! After the second trial run, he did have a brady (drop in heart rate) but after some stimulation he came back up. He just wanted to let us know he was mad and so over all the fuss.
Ryan and I stayed the afternoon with Jackson and met his night nurse for the next few nights. I really like her and I'm very happy she'll be caring for Jackson for awhile.
Today, overall, was a good day. I think having Juliana around really helped calm me down and gave me piece of mind. After the last week of ups and downs, it was so relaxing to just be able to love on Jackson and completely trust that he had a wonderful nurse caring for him that knew him ("that's just Jackson being Jackson!") and wanted to help us reach our goals together! I really needed that and I'm sure he did too!!
Today's Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 13 ounces!!!!
Respiratory: 29-38 percent oxygen throughout the day. Now, he seems to have become adjusted to his HIGH FLOW 3 and is now at 30 percent with few desats. He is not breathing fast and his respiratory rate was 52 when the night nurse last checked.
Feeds: Full feeds (27 cc every three hours)
1. Stay under 30 percent oxygen on High Flow 3.
2. Try to wean down to High Flow 2.
3. Keep on gaining weight!
4. Get urine sample for culture and hopefully not have an infection! If we do have one, get it treated quickly and stay healthy!
All of the cats are doing well. Hannah, Mario, and Miss Brooks are currently cuddled up with Ryan on the couch (we've been watching State of Play) while Amie Sue is hiding out in the cat condo! I'll post a picture of that later tonight!
With love,
When I talked to the doctor today, she said that his white blood cell count came back a little lower than normal for Jackson even though it wasn't outside of the normal range. For that reason, she decided to run some more tests to determine whether or not he has a urinary tract infection. She said that if he does, he seems to be tolerating it well and she doesn't feel he needs to be put on antibiotics immediately because he isn't showing that he's sick enough for it. She wants to run these tests just to be sure he does or does not have one and then she'll treat from there. I watched three different nurses try to get a catheter in him, but they were sadly unable to. The night team is going to try again tonight. They need to put a catheter in just to get a sterile urine won't have to stay in. Amazingly, Jackson tolerated the procedure very well and even high stated through parts of it! After the second trial run, he did have a brady (drop in heart rate) but after some stimulation he came back up. He just wanted to let us know he was mad and so over all the fuss.
Ryan and I stayed the afternoon with Jackson and met his night nurse for the next few nights. I really like her and I'm very happy she'll be caring for Jackson for awhile.
Today, overall, was a good day. I think having Juliana around really helped calm me down and gave me piece of mind. After the last week of ups and downs, it was so relaxing to just be able to love on Jackson and completely trust that he had a wonderful nurse caring for him that knew him ("that's just Jackson being Jackson!") and wanted to help us reach our goals together! I really needed that and I'm sure he did too!!
Today's Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 13 ounces!!!!
Respiratory: 29-38 percent oxygen throughout the day. Now, he seems to have become adjusted to his HIGH FLOW 3 and is now at 30 percent with few desats. He is not breathing fast and his respiratory rate was 52 when the night nurse last checked.
Feeds: Full feeds (27 cc every three hours)
1. Stay under 30 percent oxygen on High Flow 3.
2. Try to wean down to High Flow 2.
3. Keep on gaining weight!
4. Get urine sample for culture and hopefully not have an infection! If we do have one, get it treated quickly and stay healthy!
All of the cats are doing well. Hannah, Mario, and Miss Brooks are currently cuddled up with Ryan on the couch (we've been watching State of Play) while Amie Sue is hiding out in the cat condo! I'll post a picture of that later tonight!
With love,
Every baby is different... a scary night.
Last night was quite scary. The past two nurses Jackson has had have been worried about his desating. Wednesday night he was desating a lot and a little cold, so the nurse put him back in the isolator. Yesterday, Jackson was desating a lot so the nurse weaned him back up to 4 on the high flow. Last night, Jackson was desating a lot so the nurse called the doctor and they decided to do chest x-rays, a blood gas, and blood work to see if his lungs looked worse or if he had an infection.
INFECTION!!! As soon as I heard that word at 6:30 this morning, I started panicking. That is one problem we have not had to deal with and one that I DO NOT want to deal with. So, I started calling every half hour to hear what the results were of the blood work. (I already knew the chest x-ray was clear and the blood gas was normal.)
Keep in mind, both nurses that have been concerned about him moved him from 28 percent oxygen to 32 or 35. That is only 4-7 percent up on his oxygen. Considering the fact he was at 45 percent earlier this week, I'm not sure why they didn't turn his oxygen up a little if he was desating that frequently. ::sigh::
Good news: The blood work all came back normal. No infection. No anemia. Nothing is wrong. Jackson is desating because Jackson is Jackson and that is what he does. ::huge sigh of relief::
Please don't misunderstand me. I'm very thankful that the nurses are watching him and looking out for his best interests. I'm very thankful that they would rather be safe than sorry and check to make sure he didn't have an infection. My only "complaint" (if I can really call it that) is that I can't have consistent nurses all the time that know my Jackson and know what is normal for him and what isn't because like everyone keeps telling me "every baby is different." Apparently mine, desats and highsats over and over and over again. Luckily, Jackson's favorite nurse (and the one I trust the most), Juliana, is back today and I can finally take a deep breath, get a little sleep, and know that he is in the best of hands. No unnecessary panicked Mommy looks for me today.
INFECTION!!! As soon as I heard that word at 6:30 this morning, I started panicking. That is one problem we have not had to deal with and one that I DO NOT want to deal with. So, I started calling every half hour to hear what the results were of the blood work. (I already knew the chest x-ray was clear and the blood gas was normal.)
Keep in mind, both nurses that have been concerned about him moved him from 28 percent oxygen to 32 or 35. That is only 4-7 percent up on his oxygen. Considering the fact he was at 45 percent earlier this week, I'm not sure why they didn't turn his oxygen up a little if he was desating that frequently. ::sigh::
Good news: The blood work all came back normal. No infection. No anemia. Nothing is wrong. Jackson is desating because Jackson is Jackson and that is what he does. ::huge sigh of relief::
Please don't misunderstand me. I'm very thankful that the nurses are watching him and looking out for his best interests. I'm very thankful that they would rather be safe than sorry and check to make sure he didn't have an infection. My only "complaint" (if I can really call it that) is that I can't have consistent nurses all the time that know my Jackson and know what is normal for him and what isn't because like everyone keeps telling me "every baby is different." Apparently mine, desats and highsats over and over and over again. Luckily, Jackson's favorite nurse (and the one I trust the most), Juliana, is back today and I can finally take a deep breath, get a little sleep, and know that he is in the best of hands. No unnecessary panicked Mommy looks for me today.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
"I think my baby is just cranky"
Today is one of those days where I wish everyone would just listen to me when it comes to Jackson. I just want to tell the world "Mommy knows best".
The doctor, who I adore, called me around 10 am this morning to give me the daily update. She said that Jackson is doing exceptionally well, and they are going to go down to High Flow 3 today. I was shocked!! I thought it would at least be a few more days before he was ready to try High Flow 3 because he had been requiring 30 percent or a little more on his oxygen. So, I was super excited!
When I called around noon this afternoon, the nurse said that Jackson was doing okay on high flow 3 and she would see me around 2:00. I was feeling pretty confident that we were on the up and up.
At 2 pm when I got there, the nurse said she had made an executive decision to move Jackson back to High Flow 4 because he had been desating and didn't seem ready. She said she and the RT had been shocked that the doctor moved him to three and decided that Jackson wasn't ready. I was overwhelmed, surprised, and confused! If the nurse had moved him back to 4 only because he was desating, I wasn't okay with that. I felt like they should have increased his oxygen first. In addition, I know my son. He desats. That's just what he does. If they are looking to keep him between 85 and 94 without him desating and highsating they are in for a rude'll never happen.
Looking back to a few weeks ago, I would be terribly troubled everytime he went below 85 on his oxygen saturation. I would feel like it was a personal failure and that it was one more sign we would never go home. Today, I realized how far my patience has come.... I don't even flinch if he is 70 percent or above.
Back to the story: so Ryan called and spoke to the doctor and learned that High Flow is very different from Bubble CPAP... it's a trial and error game. They can go up and down frequently just to see if he's ready to be weaned. Otherwise, there isn't a really good way to tell when he's ready to wean down. So, the up and down will be our story for the next few weeks. ::sigh:: I wish I had known that before I walked in at 2pm. I just wasn't prepared!!
For the remainder of the day, I sat with Jackson and read Twilight to him. Jackson twisted, turned, moved his arms in every position, arched his back, stuck his butt in the air, and essentially tried to get in every position. He would desat, high sat, desat, highsat, desat. The nurse, who was a competent nurse but just didn't know Jackson and his "attention-seeking behavior" kept fussing with his oxygen and seemed worried about him. I finally looked at her and said, "He's fine. Really. I think my baby is just cranky and can't get into a comfy position. We've made so many changes the last few days, and I think he's just trying to let us know he's had enough!" Of course, she looked at me like I had three heads and couldn't possibly know what I was talking about. I simply wanted to tell her, "Look. I've sat at this bed everyday since he was born. I know Jackson better than anyone. That, my friend, is his mad face, I know it because I make the same mad face, and he just wants some peace and quiet." :)
So, all in all, today, I just had a cranky baby.
Current Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 11 ounces!
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 4. Requiring 28-35 percent oxygen.
Feeds: Full feeds (27 cc every three hours) Yea! We went up another cc!
1. Successfully tolerate High Flow 3!
2. Require less than 30 percent oxygen.
3. Keep on growing!!! 4 pounds by Monday! :)
With love,
The doctor, who I adore, called me around 10 am this morning to give me the daily update. She said that Jackson is doing exceptionally well, and they are going to go down to High Flow 3 today. I was shocked!! I thought it would at least be a few more days before he was ready to try High Flow 3 because he had been requiring 30 percent or a little more on his oxygen. So, I was super excited!
When I called around noon this afternoon, the nurse said that Jackson was doing okay on high flow 3 and she would see me around 2:00. I was feeling pretty confident that we were on the up and up.
At 2 pm when I got there, the nurse said she had made an executive decision to move Jackson back to High Flow 4 because he had been desating and didn't seem ready. She said she and the RT had been shocked that the doctor moved him to three and decided that Jackson wasn't ready. I was overwhelmed, surprised, and confused! If the nurse had moved him back to 4 only because he was desating, I wasn't okay with that. I felt like they should have increased his oxygen first. In addition, I know my son. He desats. That's just what he does. If they are looking to keep him between 85 and 94 without him desating and highsating they are in for a rude'll never happen.
Looking back to a few weeks ago, I would be terribly troubled everytime he went below 85 on his oxygen saturation. I would feel like it was a personal failure and that it was one more sign we would never go home. Today, I realized how far my patience has come.... I don't even flinch if he is 70 percent or above.
Back to the story: so Ryan called and spoke to the doctor and learned that High Flow is very different from Bubble CPAP... it's a trial and error game. They can go up and down frequently just to see if he's ready to be weaned. Otherwise, there isn't a really good way to tell when he's ready to wean down. So, the up and down will be our story for the next few weeks. ::sigh:: I wish I had known that before I walked in at 2pm. I just wasn't prepared!!
For the remainder of the day, I sat with Jackson and read Twilight to him. Jackson twisted, turned, moved his arms in every position, arched his back, stuck his butt in the air, and essentially tried to get in every position. He would desat, high sat, desat, highsat, desat. The nurse, who was a competent nurse but just didn't know Jackson and his "attention-seeking behavior" kept fussing with his oxygen and seemed worried about him. I finally looked at her and said, "He's fine. Really. I think my baby is just cranky and can't get into a comfy position. We've made so many changes the last few days, and I think he's just trying to let us know he's had enough!" Of course, she looked at me like I had three heads and couldn't possibly know what I was talking about. I simply wanted to tell her, "Look. I've sat at this bed everyday since he was born. I know Jackson better than anyone. That, my friend, is his mad face, I know it because I make the same mad face, and he just wants some peace and quiet." :)
So, all in all, today, I just had a cranky baby.
Current Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 11 ounces!
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 4. Requiring 28-35 percent oxygen.
Feeds: Full feeds (27 cc every three hours) Yea! We went up another cc!
1. Successfully tolerate High Flow 3!
2. Require less than 30 percent oxygen.
3. Keep on growing!!! 4 pounds by Monday! :)
With love,
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Today began amazing... a big boy crib!! Jackson was transferred from the isolator to the crib at about noon. He did really well while we were there and things were great!
When I called around 7 pm after we'd left, the nurse said he was getting a little cold but there was a draft near his bed. She pulled his bed away from the wall and his temperature started to go back up.
When I talked to the night nurse around 9:30 she said that he was getting a little cold, but she covered him with a heavier blanket and his temp started to go back up.
When I talked to her at 1:30 am, she said that things were good, his temp was good, his breathing was better, so all things were getting better.
At 5:30 she told me that he started to have increased desats and his temp was getting colder so she put him back in the isolator. No more big boy crib. That's okay though because everyone has told me that it's normal to try him out of it, he's not ready, he goes back in the isolator, and then a few days later they try him again and he's ready. I'm okay leaving him in the isolator until his breathing gets better. We'll make it back to a big boy crib when he's bigger and ready. My baby just needs some more fat on him. :)
In other news, he's been requiring between 28-33 percent oxygen today. This afternoon, he would high-sat at 30, get turned down to 28-29, low sat, go back to 30, high sat at 30, and start the cycle all over again. I'm praying that his breathing gets better soon and he begins to turn the corner. We're still in the adjustment period for the high-flow and this is the hardest time. Once he gets the hang of it, he'll wean through the settings quickly. The initial adjustment is the hardest part for Jackson and so, of course, as a Mommy it's hard to watch.
Current stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 8 ounces (he lost a little weight tonight but that's okay. different nurse. different scale since he was in the crib not the isolator)
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula, 4, requiring 28-33 percent oxygen
Feedings: full feeds (26 cc every three hours)
1. Decrease desats.
2. Require less than 30 percent oxygen.
3. Recover from the crib experiment. :)
Overall, it was a day where we experienced the NICU dance: one step forward, two steps back.
With love,
When I called around 7 pm after we'd left, the nurse said he was getting a little cold but there was a draft near his bed. She pulled his bed away from the wall and his temperature started to go back up.
When I talked to the night nurse around 9:30 she said that he was getting a little cold, but she covered him with a heavier blanket and his temp started to go back up.
When I talked to her at 1:30 am, she said that things were good, his temp was good, his breathing was better, so all things were getting better.
At 5:30 she told me that he started to have increased desats and his temp was getting colder so she put him back in the isolator. No more big boy crib. That's okay though because everyone has told me that it's normal to try him out of it, he's not ready, he goes back in the isolator, and then a few days later they try him again and he's ready. I'm okay leaving him in the isolator until his breathing gets better. We'll make it back to a big boy crib when he's bigger and ready. My baby just needs some more fat on him. :)
In other news, he's been requiring between 28-33 percent oxygen today. This afternoon, he would high-sat at 30, get turned down to 28-29, low sat, go back to 30, high sat at 30, and start the cycle all over again. I'm praying that his breathing gets better soon and he begins to turn the corner. We're still in the adjustment period for the high-flow and this is the hardest time. Once he gets the hang of it, he'll wean through the settings quickly. The initial adjustment is the hardest part for Jackson and so, of course, as a Mommy it's hard to watch.
Current stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 8 ounces (he lost a little weight tonight but that's okay. different nurse. different scale since he was in the crib not the isolator)
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula, 4, requiring 28-33 percent oxygen
Feedings: full feeds (26 cc every three hours)
1. Decrease desats.
2. Require less than 30 percent oxygen.
3. Recover from the crib experiment. :)
Overall, it was a day where we experienced the NICU dance: one step forward, two steps back.
With love,
Quick Update.. You'll love it!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Jackson's First Outfit!!!
Wonderful news!!! The nurse finally turned Jackson to air mode today and put on his first outfit! They officially began the weaning process today, and he is doing beautifully! Look how handsome my little man is!
On other news, since he has gained a bit more weight, the doctor adjusted his dose of caffeine. That seems to have helped with his bradys and apnea spells. :) The doctor said that Jackson should outgrow them in the next few weeks once his brain matures more.
Today, Ryan and I went down to visit a little later because I wasn't feeling well. I think I am just having an off day. I was exceptionally tired, had a sour stomach, and my jaw was especially sore. I took some medicine early in the morning and tried to sleep everything off. We went down to visit around 3:30 and stayed until 7:45. We also had dinner down there (a cookout hosted by the Parents for Preemies group at the hospital).
Other than that, things are about the same. Hannah seems to be doing significantly better. :)
Jackson's Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 10.5 ounces
Respiratory: High Flow 4, 28-35 percent oxygen
Feeds: Full feeds (25 cc every three hours)
1. Require less than 30 percent oxygen.
2. Continue weaning temperature support in isolator. Maintain body temperature.
3. No more bradys!
Update On Hannah
I forgot to add this to my last post: Hannah seems to be doing better. She is sneezing less often and still eating us out of house and home. I'm going to watch her for the next few days and see if she continues to improve. :)
Monday, July 5, 2010
They all can't be wonderful days.
Monday was a bit of a rough day...or better yet, it was just an odd day. The morning went fine... I got my hair cut (just a bang trim. Nothing too much) and Ryan and I accomplished some grocery shopping. Then, it was off to see Jackson!
As soon as we walked in the door and looked at the monitors, we knew something was wrong. Jackson's O2 saturation was down to the high fifties / low sixties!! Once we peaked into the isolator we saw that the prongs were completely out of his nose! He couldn't breathe!! We searched around for the nurses...someone that was running in his direction... and we saw that our nurse was in the bed next to us not even seeming to notice that Jackson was struggling. (We had had this nurse for three days... she was very inattentive to Jackson in my opinion. Other people in our Pod noticed this fact too. It wasn't just me.) I looked at Ryan for help. He quickly washed his hands (super fast) and put the prongs back in Jackson's nose. He held them there for a while, and we watched Jackson begin to recover himself. ::sigh:: It was the hardest thing in the world to walk into and see. I spent the next hour trying to calm myself down so I didn't tear that nurse apart. I was especially mad after she said (in response to me telling her about the prongs) "well, we want him to struggle a little bit when the prongs come out so that he knows he has to work harder. We don't want him to struggle all the time, but some of the time is good for him. It'll help wean him off the nasal cannula." I wanted to scream! Why does he need the support if they are just going to let it pop out whenever?? He obviously needs it if his O2 sat is dropping into the fifties without! Grr!
So, I asked the Respiratory therapist to come and better secure his prongs. Before, they had them attached with velcro. Seriously? My baby who loves to pull out his vent tube was now expected to keep his prongs in with velcro. Please. That was just begging for Jackson to pull them out. So, the RT came and taped them to his face. Probably not as comfortable for Jackson, but I'd rather him be able to breathe.
So, later in the afternoon we tried skin-to-skin. Usually Jackson loves to be held, but today, he wasn't up for it. He kept dropping his O2 sat, the prongs kept coming out of his nose, and overall, it was not a pleasant experience. It had me so worried! They had to turn his oxygen up to 44 percent. I was so worried and afraid he'd have to go back on CPAP.
After Jackson got back in the bed and repositioned, he spent the next hour adjusting. It was so hard to watch. After a while, his oxygen requirement dropped to 30 percent and I felt much better.
Overnight, Jackson did have two bradys. That is a drop in heartrate. He did require some stimulation to recover, which is okay, and the nurses said not to be too concerned about it right now. Hopefully, that was just his body's way of reacting to the additional stress of the high flow adjustment and they will go away. They are very scary.
By six o'clock I was a little worried because the doctor had still not seen Jackson. That was very unusual. At around 6:45pm the doctor came in to see him and explained that somehow, Jackson had been discharged from the system and didn't appear on any doctor's lists for the day. So, he was called to come see him. ::sigh:: I told you. A day of crazy mishaps.
Luckily, he made no changes and said Jackson was looking fine. He said that he just needed time to readjust to the High Flow (just like he did when he went on CPAP), but that everything should be fine. He did say no to clothes for now (Jackson needs to spend his energy on growing not on maintaining body temperature) but he did say that he wants me to start non-nutritive sucking once Jackson weans down to High Flow three! That could be in a couple of days! He also said he'd begin feedings at High Flow two. This news really surprised me because I thought we'd have to wait longer for all of that, but hopefully, he's not crazy and the other doctors will agree! :)
So, all in all, it wasn't a wonderful day, but we made it through. Adjustment days are always the worst. I've made a new rule with myself: no holding Jackson unless he is requiring less than 30 percent oxygen. If he is requiring more than 30, he needs to focus on breathing and not dealing with stimulation.
Current Stats:
weight: 3 pounds 8.7 ounces.
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 4. Yesterday requiring 35-44 percent Oxygen. Today: requiring 26-30 percent oxygen.
Feeds: Full feeds every three hours (25 cc)
1. Stay under 30 percent oxygen.
2. Reduce number of desats. (oxygen saturation drops)
3. No more bradys.
With love,
As soon as we walked in the door and looked at the monitors, we knew something was wrong. Jackson's O2 saturation was down to the high fifties / low sixties!! Once we peaked into the isolator we saw that the prongs were completely out of his nose! He couldn't breathe!! We searched around for the nurses...someone that was running in his direction... and we saw that our nurse was in the bed next to us not even seeming to notice that Jackson was struggling. (We had had this nurse for three days... she was very inattentive to Jackson in my opinion. Other people in our Pod noticed this fact too. It wasn't just me.) I looked at Ryan for help. He quickly washed his hands (super fast) and put the prongs back in Jackson's nose. He held them there for a while, and we watched Jackson begin to recover himself. ::sigh:: It was the hardest thing in the world to walk into and see. I spent the next hour trying to calm myself down so I didn't tear that nurse apart. I was especially mad after she said (in response to me telling her about the prongs) "well, we want him to struggle a little bit when the prongs come out so that he knows he has to work harder. We don't want him to struggle all the time, but some of the time is good for him. It'll help wean him off the nasal cannula." I wanted to scream! Why does he need the support if they are just going to let it pop out whenever?? He obviously needs it if his O2 sat is dropping into the fifties without! Grr!
So, I asked the Respiratory therapist to come and better secure his prongs. Before, they had them attached with velcro. Seriously? My baby who loves to pull out his vent tube was now expected to keep his prongs in with velcro. Please. That was just begging for Jackson to pull them out. So, the RT came and taped them to his face. Probably not as comfortable for Jackson, but I'd rather him be able to breathe.
So, later in the afternoon we tried skin-to-skin. Usually Jackson loves to be held, but today, he wasn't up for it. He kept dropping his O2 sat, the prongs kept coming out of his nose, and overall, it was not a pleasant experience. It had me so worried! They had to turn his oxygen up to 44 percent. I was so worried and afraid he'd have to go back on CPAP.
After Jackson got back in the bed and repositioned, he spent the next hour adjusting. It was so hard to watch. After a while, his oxygen requirement dropped to 30 percent and I felt much better.
Overnight, Jackson did have two bradys. That is a drop in heartrate. He did require some stimulation to recover, which is okay, and the nurses said not to be too concerned about it right now. Hopefully, that was just his body's way of reacting to the additional stress of the high flow adjustment and they will go away. They are very scary.
By six o'clock I was a little worried because the doctor had still not seen Jackson. That was very unusual. At around 6:45pm the doctor came in to see him and explained that somehow, Jackson had been discharged from the system and didn't appear on any doctor's lists for the day. So, he was called to come see him. ::sigh:: I told you. A day of crazy mishaps.
Luckily, he made no changes and said Jackson was looking fine. He said that he just needed time to readjust to the High Flow (just like he did when he went on CPAP), but that everything should be fine. He did say no to clothes for now (Jackson needs to spend his energy on growing not on maintaining body temperature) but he did say that he wants me to start non-nutritive sucking once Jackson weans down to High Flow three! That could be in a couple of days! He also said he'd begin feedings at High Flow two. This news really surprised me because I thought we'd have to wait longer for all of that, but hopefully, he's not crazy and the other doctors will agree! :)
So, all in all, it wasn't a wonderful day, but we made it through. Adjustment days are always the worst. I've made a new rule with myself: no holding Jackson unless he is requiring less than 30 percent oxygen. If he is requiring more than 30, he needs to focus on breathing and not dealing with stimulation.
Current Stats:
weight: 3 pounds 8.7 ounces.
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 4. Yesterday requiring 35-44 percent Oxygen. Today: requiring 26-30 percent oxygen.
Feeds: Full feeds every three hours (25 cc)
1. Stay under 30 percent oxygen.
2. Reduce number of desats. (oxygen saturation drops)
3. No more bradys.
With love,
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Goodbye Darth Vader
Jackson had a wonderful day today!! The doctors took him off the Bubble CPAP (Goodbye Darth Vader) and weaned him onto the High Flow Nasal Cannula (level 4). This is of course wonderful news because it is one step closer to being weaned off all respiratory support, but it is also stellar for the following reasons:
1) At level two (we decrease by increments of 1) he can begin non-nutritive sucking!! That's one step closer to removing his feeding tube!
2) He can begin wearing clothes!!!
3) One step closer to a big boy crib!
4) After level two, he is eligible to move up to the penthouse! (The penthouse is another name for the seventh floor NICU which is a less intensive place for babies to feed and grow before they are ready to go home).
5) One step closer to going home!!
6) We can see his face!!!
After he is weaned off of high flow, he will progress to low-flow. After low-flow he will be breathing on his own!

In other news, Hannah has a bit of a cold. She was sneezing all last night and most of today. It seems a little better tonight, but I spent the morning trying to convince my cat to blow her nose. (No, I'm sorry. I didn't get a video of it!)

Jackson's Stats for the Day:
Weight: 3 pounds 8 ounces (3 1/2 pounds!)
Respiratory: High Flow Cannula, level 4, requiring 25-30 percent oxygen (remember room air is 21 percent)
Feeds: 25 ccs every three hours (up 1 cc!!)
1. Stay under 30 percent oxygen.
2. Keep on growing!
3. Try putting clothes on him tomorrow! (I hope so!)
Lots of love!
1) At level two (we decrease by increments of 1) he can begin non-nutritive sucking!! That's one step closer to removing his feeding tube!
2) He can begin wearing clothes!!!
3) One step closer to a big boy crib!
4) After level two, he is eligible to move up to the penthouse! (The penthouse is another name for the seventh floor NICU which is a less intensive place for babies to feed and grow before they are ready to go home).
5) One step closer to going home!!
6) We can see his face!!!
After he is weaned off of high flow, he will progress to low-flow. After low-flow he will be breathing on his own!
In other news, Hannah has a bit of a cold. She was sneezing all last night and most of today. It seems a little better tonight, but I spent the morning trying to convince my cat to blow her nose. (No, I'm sorry. I didn't get a video of it!)
Jackson's Stats for the Day:
Weight: 3 pounds 8 ounces (3 1/2 pounds!)
Respiratory: High Flow Cannula, level 4, requiring 25-30 percent oxygen (remember room air is 21 percent)
Feeds: 25 ccs every three hours (up 1 cc!!)
1. Stay under 30 percent oxygen.
2. Keep on growing!
3. Try putting clothes on him tomorrow! (I hope so!)
Lots of love!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Bubble Five
Wonderful news everyone!! Jackson was weaned today to CPAP Bubble Five and he's already at room air! Last time the doctors weaned him it took two to three days for him to drop below 35 percent oxygen... and he's already at 21 percent!!! Who knows... maybe it'll be goodbye CPAP tomorrow!

In other news, Jackson hit 1500 grams!! (He's actually a little over 1500) which means that they will begin weaning him off the isolate soon! :)

Today, Ryan and I took our CPR class. I kept thinking the entire time "Please Lord, don't ever let me have to use this." It was really scary for me. I am usually the one to keep calm under pressure, but I know I would absolutely lose it if I ever had to use it on Jackson.
Ryan and I just finished making 4th of July cookies together to take to the NICU team tomorrow. I hope they like decorated cookies! :)
Jackson's Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 7 ounces
Feeds: Full feeds every three hours (24 ccs)
Respiratory: CPAP Bubble 5, 21 percent oxygen (room air)
Goodbye CPAP! Hello High-Flow Nasal Cannula (which means Hello Jackson's face!)
Begin weaning heat off isolate so we can move into a big boy crib (and with that comes clothes!)
Love to all! Enjoy the 4th of July tomorrow!
With love,
In other news, Jackson hit 1500 grams!! (He's actually a little over 1500) which means that they will begin weaning him off the isolate soon! :)
Today, Ryan and I took our CPR class. I kept thinking the entire time "Please Lord, don't ever let me have to use this." It was really scary for me. I am usually the one to keep calm under pressure, but I know I would absolutely lose it if I ever had to use it on Jackson.
Ryan and I just finished making 4th of July cookies together to take to the NICU team tomorrow. I hope they like decorated cookies! :)
Jackson's Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 7 ounces
Feeds: Full feeds every three hours (24 ccs)
Respiratory: CPAP Bubble 5, 21 percent oxygen (room air)
Goodbye CPAP! Hello High-Flow Nasal Cannula (which means Hello Jackson's face!)
Begin weaning heat off isolate so we can move into a big boy crib (and with that comes clothes!)
Love to all! Enjoy the 4th of July tomorrow!
With love,
Friday, July 2, 2010
Jackson's CPAP came off (not on purpose!)
Today was a wonderful and crazy today. Ryan dropped me off at the hospital around 1pm. I spent the next hour and a half reading Twilight to Jackson. I'm hoping to be up on the seventh floor before I finish the first book. (We'll see). The doctor called on the way down to the hospital and told us that she wanted to keep Jackson on bubble 6 for another day or two because he was requiring between 30-35 percent oxygen. This really surprised me because every time I had talked to the nurse throughout the night he was around 28 percent. Once I got to the hospital and asked the nurse about it she told me that Jackson had been between 25-31 percent. ::sigh:: That's okay. He probably needed another day on bubble 6 anyway. (The bubble number correlates to the amount of pressure the CPAP is giving him. After bubble 5, he'll go to a nasal cannula!)
After his three o'clock changing (and wow did he have a special present for us!) I got to hold him. Within five minutes of the nurse putting him on my chest he went down to room air (21 percent oxygen). He loves being held! Around 4 pm the chaos began.
The nurse came behind the curtain and asked how long I usually hold him because he was starting to desat. I told her that I usually hold for two hours, but if he was done I would put him back in the bed. (He wasn't squirming much so I was surprised she asked). She went to look at him and low and behold he had pulled the CPAP out of his nose!! Of course he was desating! He wasn't getting any support! Within a minute his heart rate dropped (duh.. he can't breathe!) and the nurse positioned him back in the bed and got the prongs back in his nose. Needless to say, Mommy (aka me) was very scared!! The next hour was rough to watch as he was getting readjusted. They never had to take him over 30 percent and slowly they began to turn his oxygen back down. Before his six pm diaper change, he was down to about 23 percent.
Ryan changed his diaper at 6pm, or rather, Ryan changed his diaper three times at 6pm! Jackson kept leaving special surprises for his Daddy!
Tomorrow, Ryan and I are attending the mandatory CPR class from 12:30-2:30.
Overall, it was a good day. His weight is currently 3 pounds 4 1/2 ounces. He is eating 24 ccs every three hours.
Goals for the next few days:
Hit 1500 grams.
Begin weaning temperature support in his bed so he can move to a big boy crib and wear clothes!
Wean down to bubble 5! Keep his oxygen on bubble five less than 35 percent!
With love,
After his three o'clock changing (and wow did he have a special present for us!) I got to hold him. Within five minutes of the nurse putting him on my chest he went down to room air (21 percent oxygen). He loves being held! Around 4 pm the chaos began.
The nurse came behind the curtain and asked how long I usually hold him because he was starting to desat. I told her that I usually hold for two hours, but if he was done I would put him back in the bed. (He wasn't squirming much so I was surprised she asked). She went to look at him and low and behold he had pulled the CPAP out of his nose!! Of course he was desating! He wasn't getting any support! Within a minute his heart rate dropped (duh.. he can't breathe!) and the nurse positioned him back in the bed and got the prongs back in his nose. Needless to say, Mommy (aka me) was very scared!! The next hour was rough to watch as he was getting readjusted. They never had to take him over 30 percent and slowly they began to turn his oxygen back down. Before his six pm diaper change, he was down to about 23 percent.
Ryan changed his diaper at 6pm, or rather, Ryan changed his diaper three times at 6pm! Jackson kept leaving special surprises for his Daddy!
Tomorrow, Ryan and I are attending the mandatory CPR class from 12:30-2:30.
Overall, it was a good day. His weight is currently 3 pounds 4 1/2 ounces. He is eating 24 ccs every three hours.
Goals for the next few days:
Hit 1500 grams.
Begin weaning temperature support in his bed so he can move to a big boy crib and wear clothes!
Wean down to bubble 5! Keep his oxygen on bubble five less than 35 percent!
With love,
Introducing... the Cats!
Now that I've filled everyone in on our little preemie (Jackson) it's time I introduce you to the
other seven family members in our household....
Iza Schofield, aka the Raptor, joined our family in August 2009. She's a one-eyed black cat (of course I had to have her!) She got her nickname (The Raptor) for her raptor-like meow that she always uses when it is dinner-time. She loves her cat bed next to the sliding-glass door and especially loves to be pet. She isn't a demanding cat (unless she is hungry), so it is easy to forget she's even there. Recently, we learned that Iza likes to play and loves shoestrings!

Hannah Schofield, also known as Squishy, Smush Face, or Bear, is our super tiny 5 pound thirteen year old cat. She is completely adorable and loves to get into trouble (most of the time without meaning to!) I am often caught carrying her around and Ryan is often caught snuggling with her at night. She has the cutest meow and has been caught on video trying to bite my ears! Since her eye surgeries last fall, Ryan and I have had to tote her to the litter box every couple of hours because she has a hard time finding it. She loves to eat and loves to lay in our laps, especially when we are watching movies! She wins the heart of everyone she meets (the vets always ask about her even if she isn't the patient!) and is one of the cutest cats I've ever seen!!

Mario Schofield, aka Chaco the Taco, joined our family in January 2009. My sister found him at the pet store and learned that his brother Luigi passed away from rabies. After Mario was quarantined for a long time to ensure he wasn't sick, he was available for adoption. His story tugged at my heart and so I knew he belonged with us.
Mario is our cuddle cat. He loves to lay in our laps (no matter where we are sitting) and is known for reaching up and rubbing his head against mine. In addition, he loves to wrestle with Jacob, lay in the laundry basket, climb the front door, and sneak out of the house when we're coming in so he can go eat some grass. The other cats sometimes pick on Mario because he is so timid, gentle, and laid back, but Mario doesn't seem to mind. His wide-eyed expression is incredibly cute and chocolate brown fur is beautiful.

Jacob Schofield showed up on our front porch in November 2008 and has been part of our family ever since (despite Ryan telling me that I couldn't adopt every creature that showed up outside because he/she could belong to someone else). After Jacob was injured in a fight in December and had to be taken to our wonderful vet, Dr. Adams, Ryan decided that he was officially ours if we were the ones taking him to the vet. :)
Jacob, as I'm sure you can tell from the picture, is our trouble maker. He is always chasing the other cats around the house, wrestling with Mario, and can often be found standing guard outside the litter box room. In addition, he is very strange because he loves the litter boxes and has been known to just lay down inside one (ewww!). He loves to wrestle with Ryan (Jacob plays too rough for me) and Ryan loves to tote him around.

Amie Sue Schofield joined our family in August, 2009. She is one of the sweetest members of our family. She's tough to get to know at first, but once she knows you, she loves attention! She has a sensory disorder (her back is oversensitive) so we can only pet her on her head and chin. If you pet on her back it is painful and she bites! Amie Sue loves attention, is very jealous when other cats are getting attention instead of her, and sometimes enjoys being brushed. As you can tell from the picture, she loves to look at herself in the mirror and can often be found laying right in front of it! She loves to follow us around and be part of everything that is going on!

Grace Schofield is very tough to get to know at first, but once she trusts you, she is a very sweet cat! She is very skittish but loves to cuddle with us in bed at night! She joined our family in June of 2009. Her first few weeks were touch and go because of her anxiety disorder. Whenever Grace gets really anxious (such as when she first moved in with us) she becomes afraid to eat which causes her liver to have problems which in turn causes her neurological system to have problems. Our wonderful vet, Dr. Adams, wasn't sure that she was going to make it because she was so sick. After Ryan and I hand fed her with a eye dropper for days, she finally began to trust us and come around. A year later, she is our little cuddle bunny! Every time we get to pet her is a joy because she is still so skittish but we love it!! The best part: she's now the first cat at the food bowl when it's dinner time! :)
The queen of our home, Miss Bella Brooks Schofield, truly deserves (and demands) the "Miss" in her name. She has the loudest purr of any cat I've ever met and will begin to purr when someone just looks at her. She also is a licker and will often lick me to pieces. She loves to sleep on my pillow and can often be found chasing Jacob around the house. She has been known to keep the other cats in line and truly rules our home. She has incredibly soft fur and LOVES to be petted. She also performs the "Kitty head roll" because she knows that I can't resist bending down and giving her some loving when she looks so cute!
So this is our beautiful family!!
With love,
other seven family members in our household....

Hannah Schofield, also known as Squishy, Smush Face, or Bear, is our super tiny 5 pound thirteen year old cat. She is completely adorable and loves to get into trouble (most of the time without meaning to!) I am often caught carrying her around and Ryan is often caught snuggling with her at night. She has the cutest meow and has been caught on video trying to bite my ears! Since her eye surgeries last fall, Ryan and I have had to tote her to the litter box every couple of hours because she has a hard time finding it. She loves to eat and loves to lay in our laps, especially when we are watching movies! She wins the heart of everyone she meets (the vets always ask about her even if she isn't the patient!) and is one of the cutest cats I've ever seen!!
Mario Schofield, aka Chaco the Taco, joined our family in January 2009. My sister found him at the pet store and learned that his brother Luigi passed away from rabies. After Mario was quarantined for a long time to ensure he wasn't sick, he was available for adoption. His story tugged at my heart and so I knew he belonged with us.
Mario is our cuddle cat. He loves to lay in our laps (no matter where we are sitting) and is known for reaching up and rubbing his head against mine. In addition, he loves to wrestle with Jacob, lay in the laundry basket, climb the front door, and sneak out of the house when we're coming in so he can go eat some grass. The other cats sometimes pick on Mario because he is so timid, gentle, and laid back, but Mario doesn't seem to mind. His wide-eyed expression is incredibly cute and chocolate brown fur is beautiful.
Jacob Schofield showed up on our front porch in November 2008 and has been part of our family ever since (despite Ryan telling me that I couldn't adopt every creature that showed up outside because he/she could belong to someone else). After Jacob was injured in a fight in December and had to be taken to our wonderful vet, Dr. Adams, Ryan decided that he was officially ours if we were the ones taking him to the vet. :)
Jacob, as I'm sure you can tell from the picture, is our trouble maker. He is always chasing the other cats around the house, wrestling with Mario, and can often be found standing guard outside the litter box room. In addition, he is very strange because he loves the litter boxes and has been known to just lay down inside one (ewww!). He loves to wrestle with Ryan (Jacob plays too rough for me) and Ryan loves to tote him around.
Amie Sue Schofield joined our family in August, 2009. She is one of the sweetest members of our family. She's tough to get to know at first, but once she knows you, she loves attention! She has a sensory disorder (her back is oversensitive) so we can only pet her on her head and chin. If you pet on her back it is painful and she bites! Amie Sue loves attention, is very jealous when other cats are getting attention instead of her, and sometimes enjoys being brushed. As you can tell from the picture, she loves to look at herself in the mirror and can often be found laying right in front of it! She loves to follow us around and be part of everything that is going on!
Grace Schofield is very tough to get to know at first, but once she trusts you, she is a very sweet cat! She is very skittish but loves to cuddle with us in bed at night! She joined our family in June of 2009. Her first few weeks were touch and go because of her anxiety disorder. Whenever Grace gets really anxious (such as when she first moved in with us) she becomes afraid to eat which causes her liver to have problems which in turn causes her neurological system to have problems. Our wonderful vet, Dr. Adams, wasn't sure that she was going to make it because she was so sick. After Ryan and I hand fed her with a eye dropper for days, she finally began to trust us and come around. A year later, she is our little cuddle bunny! Every time we get to pet her is a joy because she is still so skittish but we love it!! The best part: she's now the first cat at the food bowl when it's dinner time! :)
So this is our beautiful family!!
With love,
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