Jackson had a pretty good day today. He desated more today than he has the last few days. Overall, he is still doing so much better than he had last week, but it wasn't as easy going of a day as it had been the last few days.
There are many changes that are going to be happening over the next two days. They are changing his feedings from continuous to bolus meaning that they will run over 1 1/2 hours instead of continuously. He needs to get his feeds under half an hour to go home, but the continuous feedings were better for his reflux. Bittersweet.
Today's bottle went very well! I actually got to feed him today! He took 25 cc (his full bottle) in 27 minutes! Yay! We are going to increase him to two feedings tomorrow. I'm going to do one breastfeeding and he'll get one bottle feeding overnight. I hate that I won't be there to do the feeding, but Ryan has reminded me that I can't be there all the time. Eventually I'll get to feed him 24/7, but I'm sad I can't do it now.
Biggest news: the doctor is planning to wean him off his respiratory support on Wednesday. ::sigh:: I'm totally nervous! While Jackson may be ready, I'm not sure that his Mommy is. Keep praying for us that Jackson will be ready and that his Mommy will be too.
Current Stats:
Weight: 4 pounds 10.1 ounces!!
Respiratory: Low flow nasal cannula, 1/2 liter, Room air (21 percent oxygen)
Feeds: Full feeds, 12 cc per hour, continuous all day, changed to bolus feedings tonight (36 cc every three hours), one full bottle (24 cc) over 25 minutes
Other: Some desats, one brady (heart rate dropped to 96, O2 saturation 61)
1. Reduce desats.
2. Control reflux.
3. Wean respiratory support.
4. Keep gaining weight!
5. Successful breastfeeding!
6. Successful bottle feeding!
With love,
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