In other news, Jackson hit 1500 grams!! (He's actually a little over 1500) which means that they will begin weaning him off the isolate soon! :)
Today, Ryan and I took our CPR class. I kept thinking the entire time "Please Lord, don't ever let me have to use this." It was really scary for me. I am usually the one to keep calm under pressure, but I know I would absolutely lose it if I ever had to use it on Jackson.
Ryan and I just finished making 4th of July cookies together to take to the NICU team tomorrow. I hope they like decorated cookies! :)
Jackson's Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 7 ounces
Feeds: Full feeds every three hours (24 ccs)
Respiratory: CPAP Bubble 5, 21 percent oxygen (room air)
Goodbye CPAP! Hello High-Flow Nasal Cannula (which means Hello Jackson's face!)
Begin weaning heat off isolate so we can move into a big boy crib (and with that comes clothes!)
Love to all! Enjoy the 4th of July tomorrow!
With love,
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