Yesterday was the rainbow after the storm. Jackson had a much better day. He spent most of the afternoon on room air sating in the 90s. He had a few more drops in heart rate, but he always picked himself back up and returned to normal while I was in the room. I stepped at around 4:30pm and he dropped again and required some help getting back to normal. The nurses turned his oxygen up to 32 percent, but he recovered (slowly) and is now back down to 25 percent.
Yesterday's conversation with the doctor was very helpful. He said that he thought Jackson's issue right now is the reflux, but they don't want to medicate preemies until after 35 weeks (if at all) because of the risks of the medicine (which I don't know what the risks are). He said that for the next few works we're in a tough spot because Jackson having the feeding tube makes the reflux worse, they can't take the feeding tube out until he can eat on his own, he can't start eating on his own until his respiratory support is weaned down, and he can't wean successfully from his respiratory support because of his episodes with the reflux. So, it's just a tough spot to be in. He did write orders for me to continue the non-nutritive sucking so we can continue practice breastfeeding with him so that he'll be ready to eat when the time comes. The doctor said that he doesn't think Jackson with have trouble with eating, we just have to get him to that point. :) He also said that he expects Jackson to be in the hospital another 4-6 weeks, possibly closer to the 6 week mark. That was a little disappointing because I want my baby to come, but it wasn't at all unexpected. After the other day, I especially want Jackson to come home when he's ready and not necessarily just when I'm ready.
The most exciting part of the day was that my daddy came to visit Jackson and I and had lunch with me. It was so wonderful to get to show Jackson off to my family. I think my daddy was impressed with how big my little man is! He said he'd stop by again soon so that I can get pictures of the two of them together... I was so proud to show Jackson to daddy that I forgot to take pictures!
Current Stats:
Weight: 3 pounds 14.6 ounces (he dropped a little weight again but they think it's due to his diuretic).
Respiratory: High Flow Nasal Cannula 3 liters. Requiring 21-32 percent oxygen. 21-25 normally, 25-32 during reflux episodes.
Feeds: Full Feeds (29 cc) every three hours given to him over 1 1/2 hours.
Extras: big boy crib. non-nutritive sucking (today he latched once but really preferred to sleep).
1. Continue practicing non-nutritive sucking.
2. Continue growing! Make it to 4 pounds!
3. Continue supporting him respiratory wise during these reflux episodes. Maybe wean flow when he's super ready?
Today is my TMJ doctor appt. at 8:15am and my lactation appointment at 11:30 to practice non-nutritive. Group is at 6:30pm and hopefully Ryan will be home later tonight!
With love,
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