other seven family members in our household....

Hannah Schofield, also known as Squishy, Smush Face, or Bear, is our super tiny 5 pound thirteen year old cat. She is completely adorable and loves to get into trouble (most of the time without meaning to!) I am often caught carrying her around and Ryan is often caught snuggling with her at night. She has the cutest meow and has been caught on video trying to bite my ears! Since her eye surgeries last fall, Ryan and I have had to tote her to the litter box every couple of hours because she has a hard time finding it. She loves to eat and loves to lay in our laps, especially when we are watching movies! She wins the heart of everyone she meets (the vets always ask about her even if she isn't the patient!) and is one of the cutest cats I've ever seen!!
Mario Schofield, aka Chaco the Taco, joined our family in January 2009. My sister found him at the pet store and learned that his brother Luigi passed away from rabies. After Mario was quarantined for a long time to ensure he wasn't sick, he was available for adoption. His story tugged at my heart and so I knew he belonged with us.
Mario is our cuddle cat. He loves to lay in our laps (no matter where we are sitting) and is known for reaching up and rubbing his head against mine. In addition, he loves to wrestle with Jacob, lay in the laundry basket, climb the front door, and sneak out of the house when we're coming in so he can go eat some grass. The other cats sometimes pick on Mario because he is so timid, gentle, and laid back, but Mario doesn't seem to mind. His wide-eyed expression is incredibly cute and chocolate brown fur is beautiful.
Jacob Schofield showed up on our front porch in November 2008 and has been part of our family ever since (despite Ryan telling me that I couldn't adopt every creature that showed up outside because he/she could belong to someone else). After Jacob was injured in a fight in December and had to be taken to our wonderful vet, Dr. Adams, Ryan decided that he was officially ours if we were the ones taking him to the vet. :)
Jacob, as I'm sure you can tell from the picture, is our trouble maker. He is always chasing the other cats around the house, wrestling with Mario, and can often be found standing guard outside the litter box room. In addition, he is very strange because he loves the litter boxes and has been known to just lay down inside one (ewww!). He loves to wrestle with Ryan (Jacob plays too rough for me) and Ryan loves to tote him around.
Amie Sue Schofield joined our family in August, 2009. She is one of the sweetest members of our family. She's tough to get to know at first, but once she knows you, she loves attention! She has a sensory disorder (her back is oversensitive) so we can only pet her on her head and chin. If you pet on her back it is painful and she bites! Amie Sue loves attention, is very jealous when other cats are getting attention instead of her, and sometimes enjoys being brushed. As you can tell from the picture, she loves to look at herself in the mirror and can often be found laying right in front of it! She loves to follow us around and be part of everything that is going on!
Grace Schofield is very tough to get to know at first, but once she trusts you, she is a very sweet cat! She is very skittish but loves to cuddle with us in bed at night! She joined our family in June of 2009. Her first few weeks were touch and go because of her anxiety disorder. Whenever Grace gets really anxious (such as when she first moved in with us) she becomes afraid to eat which causes her liver to have problems which in turn causes her neurological system to have problems. Our wonderful vet, Dr. Adams, wasn't sure that she was going to make it because she was so sick. After Ryan and I hand fed her with a eye dropper for days, she finally began to trust us and come around. A year later, she is our little cuddle bunny! Every time we get to pet her is a joy because she is still so skittish but we love it!! The best part: she's now the first cat at the food bowl when it's dinner time! :)
So this is our beautiful family!!
With love,
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